An international convention was drawn up in 1948 to ensure that nothing like this could ever happen again.
In 1922, Knoxville Kiwanis President Charles Rutherford attended the Kiwanis International convention in Toronto, Canada.
It stages its annual conference at Birmingham's International Convention Centre from Monday until Wednesday.
From Birmingham's International Convention Centre to Liverpool's Queen Square hotel, the European Union flag is everywhere.
On 1 January 2013, 172 UNESCO Member States had ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport.
Each international convention is subject to agreement (in the form of ratification, acceptance or accession) by individual States.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: UNESCO Cultural Conventions
Women's rights groups advocate an international convention that would achieve the goals of the failed Equal Rights Amendment.
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The authority's assets also include the Symphony Hall, the National Exhibition Centre and the International Convention Centre (ICC).
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International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations.
The Iranians kept saying to the United Nations, this is your international convention.
The first will tackle the legal aspects of the 2003 UNESCO International Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
These treaties are known as SOLAS. SOLAS stands for the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States bordering on the Mediterranean.
The last of these, Sigismund, presided over the first and perhaps not the least successful European international convention, the Council of Constance (1414-18).
He added that excavating archaeological objects from the West Bank without Palestinian sanction was in violation of an international convention that governs antiquities in occupied territories.
About 8, 000 delegates are expected to attend the conference at Birmingham's International Convention Centre, where security will be much tighter than in previous years.
In 1925, following the horrific experience of chemical warfare in World War I, an international convention banning the first use of chemical weapons was signed.
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There is one less simple explanation: a reported disagreement within Israel's defence establishment over whether or not to ratify the new international convention against chemical weapons.
However, England also face tough matches against Ukraine and Belarus - and there were gasps in the audience at Durban's International Convention Centre as the group was completed.
The data collected will then be used to develop action plans for the sports federations and ultimately to increase compliance with the International Convention against Doping in Sport.
In order to give real scope to these three themes, the preparation of an international convention against doping in sport was established as a result of the conference.
Among other prerogatives, the Conference of States Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport is also responsible for the review and approval of any amendment to the Convention.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The star-studded draw ceremony, held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, began with a video message from revered former South Africa president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela.
In 1925, following the horrific experience of chemical warfare in World War I, an international convention was signed which attempts to do nothing more than bar the first-use of chemical weapons.
The Conference of Parties is a statutory conference held every two years to oversee the implementation and monitoring of the International Convention against Doping in sport in line with its provisions.
Saudi Arabia is a signatory to the international Convention on the Rights of the Child, which bars the execution of offenders who were under 18 at the time of their crime.
On the issue of whether a possible abduction charge is brought, there is an international convention on child abduction which would be used to decide if the Kilshaws had violated the law.
The date marks the 22nd anniversary of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990.
This case study will complement an extensive investigation conducted on behalf of UNESCO and WADA in 2012, in more than fifty UNESCO Member States having already ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport.
The company said it had therefore asked her to leave - in line with an international convention that allowed airlines to refuse transporting passengers who it knew would not be accepted at the point of entry.