Beneficiaries must comply with 27 international conventions, on environmental, labour and human rights standards.
Heritage materials can exist well beyond the limits suggested by national legislation or international conventions.
All ratified international conventions as well as all generally recognized rules of international law prevail over domestic laws.
Now, keep in mind that we also have a number of international conventions that have been put in place.
WHITEHOUSE: Nuclear Security Summit: Presidential Press Conference
"We were captured by FSA while we were armed, and we have been treated based on the International conventions, " says Gen.
Parliaments are legally entitled to ratify treaties and international conventions - there is no particular need for national referendums on European issues.
And we see it in democratic countries that choose not to ratify certain international conventions, or reinterpret conventions to which they have subscribed.
International conventions and seminars are not taking place in the U.S. because organizers can't be sure their delegates will be allowed into the country.
The UNESCO International Conventions and the conclusions of the International Conference on Cultural policies and sustainable development is the frame for the proposed actions.
Rhino poaching is already banned under international conventions but figures show the number of rhinos killed in 2012 was nearly double the 2010 figure.
Knowledge of international conventions and policies in the area of culture.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (16/5/2011) (CLT/WHC 026 - (P3))
Aware of these realities, UNESCO is pursuing its activities to protect cultural heritage and calls upon Member States to ratify the international conventions covering this area.
International conventions are an essential tool for protecting marine biodiversity, given the lack of physical barriers in the ocean to confine species to a single zone.
Mr Ocalan has been denied access to his lawyers, most of whom are now in jail, in violation of international conventions on the treatment of detainees.
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has requested from the Government of Switzerland permission to become a party to the latest international conventions on the humanitarian laws of war.
International Conventions define rules with which States undertake to comply.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: UNESCO Cultural Conventions
Champions of human rights and humanitarian law believed that if laws were placed on the books, if international conventions were ratified by democracies, then the world would abide by them.
Senegal has ratified international conventions for the protection of women's rights, and voted in 1999 a law, which amended the Penal Code by introducing other forms of violence and emphasizing sanctions.
Mr Mizrachi, whose organisation Emek Shaveh opposes the "politicisation" of archaeology, says according to international conventions Israel does not have the right (apart from in exceptional circumstances) to conduct any archaeology in the West Bank.
They conceded the U.S. doesn't abide by the international conventions but has its own laws granting limited immunity to figures such as their client who are in the U.S. on legitimate business for international organizations.
And so it is surprising that America stands alone as wholly incapable of showing even the slightest empathy towards the plight of the Palestinians, whose land, according to all international conventions, has been occupied for decades.
The Conference therefore calls upon States and all parties to armed conflicts strictly to observe international humanitarian law, as set forth in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and other rules and principles of international law, as well as minimum standards for protection of human rights, as laid down in international conventions.
The Council of Europe, a continent-wide talking-shop that is the guardian of many international legal conventions, has a treaty on cybercrime dating from 2001.
Access to water is necessary to meet fundamental human rights as promoted by a number of international declarations, conventions, and treaties.
Iran seemed to suggest at the time that British Council staff had been spying, accusing them of activities "contrary to international laws and conventions, " Iran's state news agency said.
What kind of a moral policy do you run when people can do something as outrageous as this, as shameful as this, that something violates every principle, not just of international law and conventions?
While 43 percent of the firms surveyed have supplier codes of conduct, only 25 percent perform even minimal monitoring to determine if suppliers are abiding by those codes, and only 10 percent have codes that reference International Labor Organization conventions.
FORBES: U.S. Companies Must Raise The Bar On Supply Chain Conditions
Holbrooke also urged Yugoslav authorities to abide by international laws set forth in the Geneva Conventions, a series of international treaties signed in Switzerland between 1864 and 1949.
CNN: Captured U.S. soldiers face military court in Yugoslavia
The lawyers argued that he enjoyed immunity from legal action similar to diplomatic immunity afforded international civil servants based on conventions accepted by 118 nations and rules adopted by the IMF itself.
It is not clear if the proclamation will have any legal implications for U.S. forces -- specifically whether they would become the declared occupying force of Iraq under the Geneva Conventions and other international laws.