The 2008 Benetti yacht Alibella is a high-profile example of the effect the international economic climate.
This is a powerful idea that could be the centerpiece of second-term international economic policy.
Third, let us together renew our international economic cooperation, helping the emerging markets rebuild their banks.
"Every major international economic body says we are doing the right thing, " he added.
He would increase the euro-zone's diplomatic clout by giving it one strong voice in international economic organisations.
As the main forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 is the right place to discuss such issues.
And we seek an open international economic system, where rules are clear and every nation plays by them.
Earlier, Greece's minister for international economic relations, Constantine Papadopoulos, said leaving the euro would be "catastrophic" for Greece.
Ceramics and textiles featured naval battles, owing to a popular interest in political events and international economic growth.
It is not even clear that Mr O'Neill's departure will make a significant difference in international economic policy.
There's an opportunity in 2008 to propose a more growth-oriented international economic policy.
Zoellick ( "A New U.S. International Economic Strategy, " op-ed, Feb. 6) offers us the same old nostrum: more trade.
WSJ: More Trade Deficits Aren't Good Policy �� Letters to the Editor
And he has sought to rebalance our national security, foreign policy, and international economic posture towards Asia for that reason.
At a global level, for example, the President strongly supported making the G-20 the premier forum for international economic cooperation.
To her right is Michael Froman, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs.
They also use forex reserves as rainy day funds to help countries during times of national or international economic crises.
It is clear that domestic and international economic difficulties are playing their part in suppressing leisure visitors to the city.
Other than stopping desertification and erosion, the wall would also provide a catalyst for a multifaceted international economic and environmental program.
But it would be a serious blow to our international economic hopes if this turns out to be a permanent shift.
What is urgently needed is a strong NSC office responsible for coordinating and overseeing international economic, financial and technology security affairs.
At its core, cybersecurity must be dealt with as key international economic issue and not simply a national defense or security one.
FORBES: Cyberwar Or Not Cyberwar? And Why That Is The Question
Mr James argues that the international economic order of the late 19th century in any case contained severe and possibly fatal flaws.
It advises the bank to take more account of international economic conditions.
That would provide some reassurance to the rest of the world that the US is not going to neglect international economic diplomacy.
It should, instead, be expanded to place international economic ties in the larger context of American national security policy and interests in Asia.
It pushed for the group's expansion to include the BRICs and declared the club the chief forum for dealing with international economic issues.
No doubt a great and giant nation like China has many faces, but two of them are on primary display in international economic relations.
In the process, they taught us an important lesson about international economic comparisons, the methods by which they are determined, and what they ultimately say.
Obama also said he believes that the international economic sanctions, some of the "strongest" ever imposed against Tehran, are having an effect on the country.