• International equity investment managers long complained to me that the foreign exchange arrangements my public pension clients entered into with their custodians, which forced external money managers to settle such transactions with the custodian resulted in poor execution and diminished international equity performance.

    FORBES: Pensions Demand Return of Global Custodian Bank Overcharges

  • In terms of the availability of private equity, nearly every international private equity firm is combing China for investment opportunities.

    FORBES: China's Capital Markets At An Inflection Point

  • She worked as a lawyer at Wall Street firm Skadden, Arps and then as a venture capitalist at GE Equity in Hong Kong, leaving in 1999 to run a small responsible-investment private equity fund, Maven International, in the city.

    FORBES: Designing A Safer Cigarette

  • Investors in the share offering included CIC International, Boyu Capital and CITIC Capital, as well as CDB Capital, the equity investment arm of China Development Bank.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Investors willing to take additional risk might also consider leaving their current 401(k) savings in a target-date fund, but direct all new contributions into a domestic equity fund or international stock fund to boost returns, says Michael Francis, president of Francis Investment Counsel, a consulting firm specializing in retirement plans.

    WSJ: 'Target' Funds Still Missing the Mark on Returns

  • Britain's investment banks (principally Barclays Capital) will be held to the same equity capital standards as international peers.

    ECONOMIST: Banking reforms

  • Chang, chairman of Westlake International Group, a San Mateo-based investment firm, bought what is believed to be around a 5% equity stake in the Giants in 2006.

    FORBES: Connect

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