"The government may have underestimated the potential fallout in the international financial markets, " says analyst Hu.
Mr. Stuttaford, who writes frequently about culture and politics, works in the international financial markets.
The impact of the extra oil revenues on international financial markets is hard to assess.
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Scheinrock is actually a CPA with extensive experience in international financial markets, corporate finance, capital structure, acquisitions and strategic investments.
The Japanese government seems determined to make an example of CSFB because of its prominent position in international financial markets.
As for the left, both Francois Hollande and Mr Melenchon have essentially proposed borrowing their way out of recession, while condemning the evils of the international financial markets.
Its economy is too entwined with the world's trading system, and international financial markets, for it to eschew any interest in, or influence on, the rest of the world.
Despite record cash holdings, multinational corporations have yet to convert available cash into new and sustained FDI, and are unlikely to do so while instability remains in international financial markets.
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Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been effectively shut out of borrowing long term on international financial markets, which forced them to seek help from European partners and the International Monetary Fund.
When he was appointed last November, it was to restore Italy's credibility on international financial markets, whose mirror image is the spread between Italy's benchmark government bonds and their German equivalents.
Russia and China have already rejected key proposals to restrict Iran's access to international financial markets and choke off its importation of refined petroleum products, which domestically are in short supply.
And it pointed out that although India is free of debt to the IMF, its obligations to other countries and to the international financial markets amounted to 80% of gross domestic product.
Shut out of the international financial markets, the cash-strapped government was forced to seek financial help after Cypriot banks suffered huge losses as a result of the restructuring of Greece's sovereign debt.
The spokesperson added that with stagnant growth in the UK economy, and the crisis in international financial markets, the First Minister would chair a meeting of the Council for Economic Renewal next week.
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That means any Greek default would cost the ECB billions of euros in losses and potentially impact the value of the euro, disrupting European and international financial markets, and the conduct of European monetary policy.
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He incurred the wrath of the International Monetary Fund and the financial community by unilaterally declaring a limit on debt repayment equal to 10% of the Gross National Product, isolating Peru from international financial markets.
Addressing MPs on 28 June 2012, the chancellor described the Libor and the European Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor) as "the benchmark reference rates which are fundamental to the workings of the UK, European and international financial markets".
Imagine what that will do to the international commodity and financial markets.
The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is regarded as one of the group of four emerging economies called BRIC (acronym referring to "fast growing developing countries" of Brazil, Russia, India and China).
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Analysts say another week of plunging stock markets has focused minds and the real test of this weekend's scramble by world leaders to shore up the international financial system will come once markets reopen again on Monday.
He laments that these leaders are still in thrall to financial markets and international business, and he is appalled by what he sees as a collective instinct to try to repair a failing system rather than change it.
He did, though, support calls for more international cooperation in the oversight of financial markets.
The innovation will continue in London and more of the markets will move to London over time thus gutting the US as the home of international (at the very least) financial markets.
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This is dangerous given Brazil's current financial needs and the unwillingness of international capital markets to finance them.
Our solid position in the U.S. marketplace continues to give us the financial flexibility to invest in key international markets.
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The difficulty is how to plug this hole in the international financial system without scaring off investors in emerging markets altogether.
But he would find it difficult to govern without the confidence of the financial markets and without the support of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
But these days bank lenders tend to judge projects on more conventional financial grounds, and larger Indian firms are tapping international capital markets.
The International Monetary Fund is closer to becoming an important regulator of global financial markets.
The international Financial Stability Board found that the collateral pledged to one emerging-markets fund largely comprised Japanese shares and American bonds.