This will be a foundation for Viet Nam to develop high quality human resources for international integration and national industrialization and modernization.
Another sign is the international integration of sport's labour markets.
International integration is their fast track out of poverty.
While domestic strengthening of institutional frameworks for the financial and corporate sectors is no doubt required, there is also a need for an architecture -- some sort of international "public good" -- to maximize the advantages of international capital market integration while mitigating its risks.
Sharing waters is actually often a driver for international cooperation and regional integration.
Mutambara would oversee education, industry and commerce, and regional integration and international cooperation.
To address this challenge, a three-day International Conference on "Integration of Academic Courses with Vocational Education in Secondary Schools" was organized jointly on 17-19 February in New Delhi by UNESCO, the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and the Commonwealth of Learning.
Some of the topics discussed in the meeting were conflict transformation and intercultural dialogue studies in the Arab region, in what way is education a major tool for peace building and the international perspective on the integration of conflict transformation into the academic curriculum.
Russia's foreign policy then, directed by the now-forgotten foreign minister, Andrei Kozyrev, aimed at the country's integration into the international community.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Russian Elections: What 'Centrists'?
On November 30, 2012 the heads of state from South America gathered in Peru, for a meeting under the banner of UNASUR, an international organization that promotes economic integration and regional dialogue between countries in South America.
Systems integration company Science Applications International Corp. of San Diego offers a product called Open Source Monitoring that scans the Web, newsgroups, Listservs and any other public forums for names and trademarks.
The integration of national economies into international economies holds unprecedented longevity for companies that can capitalize on this transition.
Price Waterhouse aims to add hundreds of experts to its Japanese branch to handle a growing consulting practice in computer systems integration, mergers and acquisitions, project finance and international taxation.
No. 3 on the list is Science Applications International Corporation ( SAIC), a provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services and solutions.
They trade a very narrow conception of power in the international system based on nuclear weapons for a much broader one based on economic integration and development that really brings them much more security in the long term.
Experts and academics from the participating Lebanese, Arab and International universities discussed ways to introduce concepts of peace-building in higher education and the integration of a culture of dialogue and conflict transformation in the curriculum of Lebanese universities.
Its work is also supported by an International Committee (Internationaler Ausschuss), responsible for advising the municipal council and administration on all matters of integration and diversity.