Nevertheless, the WMA is not the only international organisation to voice concerns about medical trials.
The International Organisation for Migration puts the annual figure for Central Europe at over 500, 000.
The Anthony Nolan Trust is an international organisation with about 380, 000 people on its register.
So Libya is excepting foreign help from the international organisation for migration.
Fredric Larsson, of the International Organisation for Migration in Kiev, says that Russia and Poland have superseded Turkey as the top destinations.
Yet it is now turning itself from an international organisation into a private company, and will itself probably list its shares shortly.
At least 2 to 4 years of relevant professional experience in the field of database management acquired preferably in an international Organisation.
The world's major economies will see stronger growth this year, but Europe's recovery will continue to be slow, an international organisation has said.
The deal signed by ministers on Tuesday puts those negotiations into effect, establishing the international organisation that will implement the Iter fusion energy project.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | States sign nuclear energy pact
The shocking statistic has prompted the international organisation to launch a global campaign to improve sanitation for the 2.5 billion people whose health is at risk.
"As the UK's international organisation for cultural relations we would not wish to link our websites to any discussion online which promoted intercultural conflict, " it said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Man shot dead close to riot scene
According to the international Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the number of international students worldwide rose from 0.8 million in 1975 to 3.7 million in 2009.
The Malala Fund has been set up by international organisation Vital Voices, which says it helps give women a voice to promote prosperity and peace in their communities.
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organisation committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | London 'to lead climate research'
The ban was imposed by the Kimberley Process (KP), the international organisation that polices diamonds, following reports of large-scale killings and abuse by Zimbabwe's security forces in the Marange diamond fields.
BBC: Marange diamond field: Zimbabwe torture camp discovered
Leonard Doyle from the International Organisation for Migration, the UN agency managing the camps for the 1.3 million earthquake survivors, says it is a tense situation, moving people from a densely populated camp.
It said it was urgently appealing, along with the International Organisation for Migration, for governments to engage in "a massive humanitarian evacuation of tens of thousands of Egyptians and other third country nationals".
At least 2 to 4 years of relevant professional experience in the field of mail, documents and distribution service (packaging, expedition, distribution, etc.) acquired preferably in a national administration or an international Organisation.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Unit (28/2/2011) (ADM 552 - (P1P2))
The Slovak foreign ministry has published (unilaterally) an expert opinion drawn up in confidence by Knut Vollebaek, high commissioner for national minorities at the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, a Vienna-based international organisation.
We shall develop our relations on nuclear issues - not only with Iran but with other countries too - depending on how open they are to that established and respected international organisation whose experts we all trust.
Dominated by the benchmark price of Brent crude, the black stuff that flowed from what was once the North Sea's biggest-producing field, the work of these PRAs has been looked at in some technical detail by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
In a sense he has separated the quasi-mystical divine function of God's representative on Earth from the very down-to-earth job of administering the world's oldest international organisation, one which has survived two millennia of schisms, would-be reformers and wars, as well as territorial, family and political ambitions.
The pontificate which has just ended has, however, already come under heavy criticism by some Catholic groups, and many outside the Church for its failure to deal with some of the most pressing issues facing the world's oldest international organisation at the beginning of the third Christian millennium.
Jorge Nieto, the minister of labour, brandishes a book-length certificate from the International Labour Organisation to prove that the country's labour laws do meet international standards.
ECONOMIST: Labour rights and free trade with the United States
He said the inquiry's results would be passed to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
An official at the International Maritime Organisation explained how the well-armed pirates are becoming increasingly bold.
The RSPB wants the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to reclassify PIB and outlaw discharges.
It grants a spot in ISO 3166-1, a directory compiled by the Geneva-based International Standards Organisation.
The International Labour Organisation forecasts that unemployment worldwide will rise by around 30m above 2007's level in 2009.
International police organisation Interpol has issued a worldwide alert for the arrest of fugitive Iraqi Vice-President Tariq al-Hashemi.