The 45-year-old is now planning a more-organized and paid internship program for her Scarsdale, N.
The White House Internship Program is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I highly recommend.
One of my responsibilities when I was an editor for another business publication was to oversee the internship program.
It was immaterial that the internship program allegedly provided a valuable management training experience for the individuals in question.
Before that time, she coordinated SAF's summer internship program and was a SAF intern with the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry.
Employers that are considering adopting a volunteer or internship program must be self-critical and ask themselves what is motivating them.
He tapped into the internship program, and now he is the most famous audio engineer and stage manager in the business.
When crafting an internship program, make sure it complies with the U.S. Labor Department's Fair Labor Standards Act, says Joseph H.
Here is an overview of the internship program, which discusses the unique perspectives it affords both the fellows and the host companies.
FORBES: Finally, An Internship Program That Gets Corporate Sustainability
Stanford invited the philanthropy for a meeting in spring 2011, and the school became one of just two feeders for the foundation's new summer internship program.
From the weekly speaker series with senior staff members to group service projects, the White House Internship Program prepares you for a promising future in public service.
The Corps is a unique internship program that connects business school students with companies who want to initiate a discussion of sustainability, with an emphasis on energy efficiency.
FORBES: Finally, An Internship Program That Gets Corporate Sustainability
Also, we have an internship program at TENTE Casters Inc. and you can tell the majority of students are very uncomfortable with communication and talking to someone face-to-face.
FORBES: CFO at 28: Career Advice from a Seasoned Professional
Thank you, Dr. Elsie Scott, president and CEO of the CBC Foundation, and all of you for your outstanding work with your internship program, which has done so much for so many young people.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
These life-changing experiences then lead to college- level internships at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the new Wallace-Carver internship program established by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack in conjunction with the World Food Prize Foundation.
It was scathing criticism, especially coming at the end of a string of sex scandals that had put restrictions on the lawmakers' internship program and led to the 2003 conviction of Silver's counsel, Michael Boxley, for sexual misconduct.
Organizers of gap year programs and other gap year professionals often attended college fairs in the past, but were frequently overlooked because of the strong focus on college, according to Dynamy Internship Year, a U.S.-based residential internship gap year program.
Michelle Frankel chose to take an extra internship placement in her Masters program on speech-language pathology at Hofstra University.
Northwestern has a 15-month program which includes an internship.
FORBES: Tech Makes Big Data Useful -- Lots Of Data Analysts Still Needed -- SAS
The six-month program included a three-month internship at the brokerage house Salomon Smith Barney, where he got plenty of experience in building out networks.
The students will go through a three-month training program, ending in a nine-month paid internship.
In exchange for an internship, he offered his services in the school's "life skills" program, which helps student athletes prepare for life after sports.