He came back from the toilet, and Kinney was still interrogating the beach bum, the ex-marine.
He once got down on his knees and prayed with a man he was interrogating.
Mr Attwood said he would be "interrogating" the application and would be personally inspecting the site.
Now, your sales manager is interrogating you, hoping to uncover where you went wrong.
The Platform will include middleware for managing software updates and interrogating and fixing problems on the client.
Which brings us to interrogating 19-year-old Dzhokhar if he recovers from his wounds.
Ms Rice refused to confirm or deny the existence of secret CIA prisons for interrogating terrorist suspects in Europe.
Tawheedi said the commander of government forces on the scene, Mullah Shir Gul, was interrogating Wahid about the whereabouts of Omar.
China Daily confirms that under the amendment interrogating criminals has been made a "must" for Supreme Court judges when they review a death penalty sentence.
The decision to place the FBI, rather than the CIA, in charge of interrogating suspected terrorists represents a major shift in U.S. national security policy.
CNN: Top prosecutor orders probe into interrogations; Obama shifts onus
"We are interrogating him, " Chavez said at a campaign event Thursday.
So Evi is really interrogating herself in order to answer questions.
At a meeting in September the commissioners voted unanimously to ditch the spectrum-sensing requirement and let device-makers rely solely on interrogating online databases to find vacant channels.
Mr. ROMNEY: I do not believe that as a presidential candidate, it is wise for us to describe precisely what techniques will we use in interrogating people.
We're lookin' to you to spill the beans on picture quality, customer service, uptime, perceived value -- the down and dirty details that can only be found by interrogating others.
This is a place where many analysts are constantly monitoring and interrogating hundreds of live feeds to make certain that each client is apprised of changing conditions and security threats.
Nanan Soekarna, deputy chief of the National Police, said police acted on information received from interrogating the two men arrested last week on suspicions of plotting to bomb the embassy.
The Younis case is worth recalling in light of charges made against the FBI following the news that they were responsible for interrogating Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called Christmas Day bomber.
We will not be interrogating terrorists using that approach.
Grid computing attempts to connect up the islands of processing power and data in the world's universities and to standardise ways of interrogating data and calling on huge amounts of computer power.
"At this point we cannot say if they are Boko Haram, hired killers or common criminals, but we have cordoned off the area and are in the process of interrogating them, " Commissioner Sanusi Rufa'i said.
However, such an overhaul should not have to mean a replacement or upgrade to existing systems, but rather a universal platform that connects throughout the bank, interrogating all the necessary data on demand, and using the latest high speed technology.
We feel like we pursued the correct course in interrogating Abdulmutallab, and through that course we've gotten quite a bit of information that's been helpful both to the United States and some of our foreign partners in keeping the American people safe.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton