For too long political intervention has retarded price discovery in the healthcare and pharmaceutical spaces such that quite unlike any other sector, prices have risen alongside demand.
That might slightly improve some currencies but will have little impact on the gold price unless surreptitious intervention by the (Federal Reserve) occurs.
Tournament leader McDonald needed the intervention of good friend Nick Price to persuade the tournament organisers to give him an invitation to the event.
Those I did find still in favour of the British intervention believe any temporary loss of democracy is a price worth paying for stopping excesses, and helping to restore the territory's damaged reputation.
When interest rates are allowed to float free of central bank intervention, the happy consequence of such a market-driven price is that in reaching natural levels conceived in the marketplace, the supply of and demand for credit is equalized.
But it was thanks to her intervention both that the IMF loan was unblocked and that a breakthrough was made in the gas-price stalemate with Russia in January.