Finally, some of the central tenets of the new paternalism apply more forcefully to interventionism.
The fundamental difference between David and myself is the question of interventionism and foreign affairs.
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Tinkering interventionism was out and union reform (long overdue), privatization, competition, sound public finances and low taxes were in.
What is most important to establish and remember is that a passion for military non-interventionism is not alien to respectable American politics.
There are no suggestions that the GOP should rethink its penchant for military interventionism and the bloated defense spending that inevitably accompanies this.
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The government promises businesses support but no interference - a policy of "positive non-interventionism" vital to its role as a financial and trading center.
The intervention in the former Yugoslavia was also a message for the Muslim community that French interventionism was not inspired by the crusade spirit.
The Clinton we have grown accustomed to over the last year is perceived as a spear-carrier for the Madeleine Albright school of values-driven liberal interventionism.
CNN: Commentary: Clinton pick would be brilliant, but risky, move
And though Mr Blair had bolder ideas on foreign policy (such as the liberal interventionism he espoused in his Chicago speech of 1999), they contributed to his downfall.
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Neither interventionism nor isolationism is an effective foreign policy strategy.
Just as enforcing personal morality seems to be a unifying principle behind many conservative appeals for government interventionism, liberals seem to be driven by a desire to reverse perceived power imbalances.
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While many chose to criticise US interventionism, particularly in the Bush era, it appears that many European countries prefer to avoid entangling themselves in foreign trouble spots unless the US is in the lead.
They also undermine arguments for interventionism more generally.
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