Is it intolerant for a citizen to require its government to perform the fundamental task of enforcing national borders?
But just being intolerant to grains is a big burden and a sure-fire way for me to gain weight.
One wonders how Doug Von Allmen, who began life in poverty, working as a window washer and factory grunt, became a man intolerant of any "creaking" on his yacht, irritated by the slightest whooshing of the air-conditioning system and concerned with the placement of gold-plated toilet-paper dispensers.
But most of the signs are that it is a long way from both its intolerant caricature and the tenets promoted by some of the Brothers' predecessors a generation ago.
If you are a lactose-intolerant, wheat-intolerant, or have too much candida, keep it to yourself.
Will those vociferous and intolerant, health police who campaigned for a public smoking ban now like to take on a similar virulent campain against all of the above?
I'll sit down with any player who's uneasy about my coming out, " he says in his account, adding: "Still, if I'm up against an intolerant player, I'll set a pretty hard pick on him.
Everyone agrees that the tone and content of many of them is a bit shrill and occasionally intolerant (kind of like University faculty meetings), but there is one repeating thread, by one of your most prestigious employees, Dr. Tom Wigley, that is far beyond the pale of most academic backbiting.
The political radicals may have been elbowed out, but the influence of a conservative body of clerics, intolerant of western ways and new interpretations of the faith, is making itself felt in many Arab societies.
The company was founded by Linda Barrie, who was searching for a hot chocolate recipe for her lactose-intolerant daughter.
But the intolerant actions of these fundamentalists must be considered in the context of a minority language besieged by the culture of a strong neighbour.
Mr Massow, a millionaire gay businessman, attacked his former party as "intolerant" and "just plain nasty".
Then, it becomes a niche product for use in specific situations for statin resistant or intolerant patients.
As a symptom of its weakness, Miss Megawati's government has become increasingly intolerant of criticism.
It was a bad omen last year when this freewheeling western conservative in the Reagan mould went off to court the intolerant Christian right.