The individual intrastate farmer is performing an economic activity that has a connection to interstate commerce.
FORBES: The Economics of the Mandate Don't Matter: It's Constitutional
Mesa was even losing money in Albuquerque, where it flew under its own name and had an intrastate travel monopoly.
FORBES: Second act
Congress can regulate even purely local, intrastate economic behavior so long as, in the aggregate, it substantially affects interstate commerce.
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In addition, it would close a loophole that exempts intrastate gun sales on the Internet from requiring a background check, he said.
Therefore, the Court reasoned the cumulative impact of individual intrastate farmers producing more wheat then they were allotted under regulations could impact the price of wheat, defeating the purpose of the law.
FORBES: The Economics of the Mandate Don't Matter: It's Constitutional
Wisconsin is currently ground-zero for these intrastate stand-offs.
FORBES: Good for Small Business - Good for the World
Today, the only recognized limitations are that (1) Congress may not regulate non-economic behavior based solely on an attenuated link to interstate commerce, and (2) Congress may not regulate intrastate economic behavior if its aggregate impact on interstate commerce is negligible.
FORBES: Why the Supreme Court Will Strike Down All of Obamacare
Perversely, the individual mandate compels individuals by law to purchase health insurance sold only within completely intrastate markets, a regulatory compulsion that by its very construction fails to involve the regulation of interstate commerce, which presumably authorizes it in the first instance.
FORBES: ObamaCare and the Constitution Are Contradictory: One Must Fall