And Mr Bertinotti declares himself firmly against privatisation though, intriguingly, he is not against all liberalisation.
Intriguingly, he says he won't put his holdings of listed-company shares into the charity.
Intriguingly, changes to parts of the human genome may have made us prone to certain diseases.
There are murders and attempted murders, and old and new crimes are intriguingly connected.
Intriguingly the Treasury has made clear it does not think additional regulation is sensible.
More intriguingly, people worry about the drain that big projects have put on public finances.
Most intriguingly of all, it seems that it can slow the process of ageing.
And, intriguingly, the only thing that triggered limbic activity in either group was reading the happy story.
Console yourself with dessert: the fermented-rice egg-drop soup tastes, intriguingly, like a bowl of lumpy, cold sake.
Plans for spending and taxing more can be made to look drearily left-wing rather than intriguingly progressive.
Perhaps nothing so intriguingly displays differences between nations as the unusual occupations of some of its citizens.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Tingo, nakkele and other wonders
Intriguingly, even the apparently disastrous collapse of Glaxo-SmithKline hints that managers might be behaving more like shareholders.
Intriguingly, value-house Vanguard would leave the Muchmores with a bit more than Schultz in growth stocks--a good 15%.
More intriguingly, the Kill A Watt meter will also tell you how much electricity you are wasting unwittingly.
ECONOMIST: The much-talked-of smart grid prepares to enter the home
But, intriguingly, he chose to sit among his party colleagues, and not with the rest of the cabinet.
Intriguingly, though this silent legacy could persist for at least three generations, it was not an irreversible alteration.
Intriguingly, research on Turkey's devoutly Muslim heartland finds a strong positive link between Islamic piety and capitalist success.
With Sinfield failing to convert either of his side's four-pointers, the scores were intriguingly tied 8-8 at the break.
Intriguingly, he is also refusing to rule out a reconciliation with terrestrial TV.
Perhaps most intriguingly, INDEC's and PriceStats' inflation rates accelerate and decelerate in tandem.
But Japanese subjects behave intriguingly when they talk to Mr Ishiguro's android, ReplieeQ1.
ECONOMIST: Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans
Intriguingly, there was also a virus that the researchers were unable to classify.
ECONOMIST: A virus may help explain colony collapse disorder
Intriguingly, there are signs that the official rules for number-crunching may be shifting just as the affordability debate hots up.
Intriguingly, provinces where tribal structures are strongest, such as Paktia, Paktika and Khost, have proved most resistant to Taliban encroachment.
Intriguingly, it will become normal for contracts to include protection not just against loss, but against the failure to gain.
Intriguingly, however, sponsor-to-sponsor deals show a significantly lower variation in the returns they generate, making these deals a lot less risky.
More intriguingly, Apple hinted it will offer new details on how it plans to synch up its iPhone with big businesses.
Intriguingly, countries that host the Olympics do better than the econometric model forecasts as, to a lesser extent, do neighbouring countries.
And perhaps more intriguingly: would Microsoft, maybe, been better off if it had been carved into two as the government originally wanted.
More intriguingly, if you look elsewhere, there are hints that the electorate may be changing in ways that could help McCain Republicanism further.