But he doesnt deny he has spent much of his life as a digital intruder.
The Paralympic champion denies murder, saying he shot Reeva Steenkamp thinking she was an intruder at his home.
The intruder allowed one woman in the house to leave and she called police.
Also killed was the intruder, whom authorities identified as Dalton Smith, 30, of Hempstead.
Also, why would an intruder have closeted himself in the toilet with the door locked?
Witnesses have given police three differing descriptions of a possible intruder into the home, he said.
Because it didn't bark he know that the intruder was known by the dog.
On one of the screens they have spotted an intruder near the perimeter fence.
That could potentially allow an intruder to change a user's profile or access private personal data.
On the walls 1, 000 dolls--each a model known as "Blythe"--transfix the intruder with their enormous goggle-eyes.
Pistorius says he mistakenly shot Steenkamp, thinking she was an intruder in his home.
Pistorius and his lawyers argue he mistook her for an intruder and killed her accidentally.
Several South African media outlets reported that the woman was mistaken for an intruder.
Plans are also afoot, according to Patton, to install an expensive high-tech electric perimeter fence with an intruder alarm.
Pistorius insists her death was an accident, that he opened fire after mistaking her for an intruder.
The intruder, whom authorities identified as Dalton Smith, 30, of Hempstead, was struck seven times and died.
The intruder, Walid Saleem, received a lesser sentence than Hussain, who was convicted of grievous bodily harm.
And why would Pistorius have blasted the intruder when he had him cornered and not called the police?
The intruder allowed the third unidentified woman to leave, and she called 911.
His brother's wife started screaming at the intruder, he says, and the gunman spared her and her six children.
In 1999, Norfolk farmer Tony Martin shot dead an intruder in his home.
But like any vaccine, it triggers the immune system to attack an intruder, in this case, the cancerous cells.
But Pistorius said he accidentally shot Steenkamp, 29, thinking she was an intruder.
He learned later that his wife fired all six shots, and hit the intruder with all but one bullet.
Seconds later the rangers will receive the intruder's co-ordinates on their satellite phones.
The 12-year-old told police that he'd seen an intruder leaving the home, then found his sister suffering from stab wounds.
The thought of waking up in the middle of the night and being confronted by an intruder is deeply upsetting.
The immune system produces histamine to fight off the intruder and that chemical causes the symptoms that make people miserable.
Mr Pistorius denies deliberately shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp earlier this month, saying he thought she was an intruder.
The Beatle, who died of cancer aged 58 in November 2001, was stabbed seven times by an intruder in 1999.