For each project a workshop will train the concerned actors before the field inventorying begins.
How does identification and inventorying of intangible cultural heritage work with the widest possible involvement of communities?
One woman we know has a nice side business inventorying and reselling old Cuisinart parts on eBay.
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It is also supporting a proposed congressional bill known as the Radio Spectrum Inventory Act as a way of inventorying available spectrum.
Elements of intangible cultural heritage in inventorying, listing, safeguarding and raising awareness.
The strategy for this training activity will be focused on inventorying.
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The opening ceremony was followed by a three-day community-based inventorying workshop.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
The training activity will be on inventorying in this case.
UNESCO: Programme meetings | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The workshop will focus on inventorying and international cooperation mechanisms.
Participants also had an opportunity to exchange views on the diverse opinions concerning the community-based inventorying and to share their knowledge experiences on the ways to record ICH locally.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
The twelve sessions of the workshop were intended to help equip participants with basic knowledge and skills to design and facilitate a community-based inventorying process tailored to the current circumstances of Timor-Leste.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
Stern and his colleagues are inventorying the Pluto system with Hubble to get a better handle on the risks New Horizons faces, and to help design the safest possible trajectory for the spacecraft.
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It is around this element of intangible cultural heritage that Lebanon has chosen to develop a pilot inventorying methodology, which may then be applied to the safeguarding of other expressions of its living heritage.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
This pre-inventorying work will focus on identifying and involving the bearers (individuals, groups or communities) of this element of intangible heritage, focusing particularly on how it is transmitted, and its social functions in Lebanese society today.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
In Bulgaria, at the national level, the Ministry of Culture (National Folklore Committee) and the Institute of Folklore of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences carry the responsibility for the safeguarding, inventorying and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage.
The 8-day workshop will provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools for effective documentation and inventorying of intangible cultural heritage under the 2003 Convention and will also include a fieldwork practicum at the end of the workshop.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO-IHP through its networks and partners actively contributes to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention in particular by identifying and inventorying transboundary aquifers and groundwater dependent ecosystems that are vital for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.
Through the project, it is expected that national authorities together with communities would be able to devise cost-effective tools and methodologies to inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage which may serve in the future as a model for nation-wide Intangible Cultural Heritage inventorying exercises.
This workshop introduced the participants to the key concepts of the Convention, community-based inventorying methods, free-prior-informed consent in the process of inventorying, creative processes and techniques of generating and systematizing information with the community, a community-driven sample inventorying framework and much more.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
After the success of this workshop, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, in close collaboration with UNESCO Phnom Penh Office, will organize two national workshops this coming year on community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage and preparing nominations for the intangible heritage list.
The Field Exercise, taking place within the framework of the project ' Strengthening the national capacities for the effective safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Aruba and Haiti' will consist in inventorying the rural Festivity of the Bandos Rojo y Azul.
The workshop and inventorying activity are undertaken as part of the Phase III of the MEDLIHER project supported by the European Union and UNESCO, which aims to promote the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention