The fed gov. can get with states to offer declining incentives to invest and produce here.
Our aging (and increasingly risk averse) boomer population will not be able to invest, produce and spend at the rates needed to sustain 3%-plus growth.
In most of the 20 states that offer these plans, the guarantee depends on the state fund being able to invest the cash and produce a return equal to the increase in tuition set by the state.
In the end, taxes are a price, and when the price is high, incentives to produce and invest are reduced.
This gets economic theory backward: We produce in order to consume and we invest in order to produce more.
As a direct result, Americans borrow, consume, and speculate too much, while we save, produce, and invest too little.
Canada, after all, presents a rather stark choice: invest a smaller amount early and produce a citizen who pays taxes and contributes to the system or pay a much larger amount later for the upkeep of a citizen who consumes tax monies and contributes nothing.
From the way we consume and produce energy, to how we innovate and invest in advanced energy technologies, there are no simple answers.
Firms are not dying to invest, produce more output, and hire new workers if only interest rates would fall a bit more or banks had more reserves.
FORBES: The Real Impact of Quantitative Easing (Next to Nothing!)
But I believe society will get the most bang-for-the-buck if I invest in things that help us produce educated and productive citizens, whether through youth social services or assisting them pursue a college education through scholarships.
These days, if they have endowments to invest, most nonprofits have little interest in conservative investments like corporate bonds and preferred shares that produce moderate, stable returns.
FORBES: Why Do Colleges And Charities Speculate With Your Donations?
Instead they ferret out new solutions which give them a unique market proposition, and allow them to produce lots of cash for adding to my cash in order to invest in even more new market opportunities.
FORBES: Remembering the '87 Crash, 4 Investment Myths and 1 Truth