Bass Group, the investment fund controlled by the Texas billionaire of the same name.
With Monday's deal, Blackstone is securing exclusive access to investments from the Chinese investment fund.
The Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF) aims to attract more private investment to the sector.
Just as striking is the view at the world's biggest bond investment fund, Pimco.
According to investment fund watcher Barclay Group, the average currency fund returned 4.5% in 2000.
An investment fund, Roxwell Holdings, launched a lawsuit alleging that Yukos had misled investors.
His "investment fund" was once thought to be the biggest hedge fund in the world.
The other fund Myhrvold formed around 2007 was Invention Investment Fund II, its second patent-purchasing fund.
Note: The author, an investment fund manager, holds a personal position in Tesla stock.
Most of the investment fund's expenses will be paid out of a separate charge to shareholders.
ECONOMIST: Public offerings are all the rage for private-equity firms
Janus Capital Management, LLC managed a mutual fund called Janus Investment Fund, a third, separate, legal entity.
FORBES: Supreme Court to Defrauded Investors: "Sorry, Charlie"
In a lawsuit filed in California State court on December 22, 2011 by Noble Investment Fund Ltd.
FORBES: Gerova Financial Group An NYSE-listed Shell Game: Report
However, women run only 17-27% of businesses in Latin America, according to The Multilateral Investment Fund.
Hilarious account of auto parts investment fund Asimco and its incineration of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Harry Winston in May announced that it is involved in the establishment a polished diamond investment fund.
Oh, but everyone in the investment fund management business takes the tax return positions that Romney takes!
Reports overnight said the big investment fund BlackRock has done some bargain hunting and purchased gold this week.
Rubenstein then suggested Carlyle's new closed-end investment fund as a low-risk option and a "good investment, " Huffington contends.
The favourite is a joint venture between Manchester Airport and the Australian infrastructure investment fund Industry Fund Management.
As part of the deal, Nottingham City Council will set up a venture capital investment fund for new start-ups.
Mr McClure is a former Facebook fbFund and Paypal employee, and a partner of the investment fund 500 Start-ups.
This week a Dubai investment fund said it had taken a big stake in Sony, Japan's biggest electronics firm.
Anti-retrovirals are supplied to poor children jointly with the Children's Investment Fund Foundation of Chris Hohn, a hedge-fund boss.
The expansion has been supported by the Welsh Assembly Government's Single Investment Fund.
Nicola Horlick manages an investment fund in London that lost money with Madoff.
Even Jeffrey Katzenberg gets in there, with 388, 000 shares for his investment fund.
HDW, a German naval shipyard, by One Equity Partners, an American investment fund.
He made his fortune on Wall Street with an investment fund called Friess Associates, best known for its Brandywine Fund.
Even the Slovene Catholic Church could not resist the temptation to get rich quick, setting up its own investment fund.
Mr Forbes said the sustainable cultural investment fund would "protect the arts" from the "boom and bust of public finance".