It marked the first time authorities have invoked the 2001 Patriot Act against a virtual currency.
Notice that twice now Mr. Obama has invoked "individual ambition, " and not as a virtue.
Pope, when explaining his views to me, invoked not Rand but the great political philosophers.
The various campaigns have often invoked American exceptionalism, especially the strength of its religious feeling.
ECONOMIST: America's particularities will survive George Bush
Some in the nuclear freeze movement have even invoked the name of Ronald Reagan.
King frequently invoked the importance of building bridges between people who orient around religion differently.
FORBES: Faith as a Bomb, Faith as a Bridge: Building a 21st Century Interfaith Movement
It had to stop the operation when the Obama administration invoked its moratorium on gulf drilling.
FORBES: Chevron And BP Reveal Big New Deepwater Finds In The Gulf Of Mexico
Overall finds most of the other frequently invoked rationales to be, philosophically speaking, similarly inadequate.
She invoked the Fifth Amendment during her testimony to avoid questioning on the issue.
Mint julep invoked scorching heat, distant thunder, and the stridulation of crickets in prickly grass.
The intervention in Libya was invoked as an act of moral, not just strategic, leadership.
The Transportation Security Administration invoked the rule for international U.S.-bound flights after the botched attack.
In his acceptance speech in the Ebenezer Baptist Church, he invoked his father's memory repeatedly.
But in all countries and all markets another eternal verity must now be invoked.
So that dynastic principle was invoked with regard to the prophet's cousin and son-in-law, Ali.
European governments have invoked the collective defence clause of Nato's founding treaty for the first time.
Such activity has been illegal since 2010, but until now had not invoked the penalties.
BBC: Japan introduces piracy penalties for illegal downloads
They have often invoked international law in their own defence, and in criticising others.
They are most often (though improperly in my opinion) invoked during times of war.
Since March 25, Kingfisher's lenders have invoked pledged shares in two UB Group companies-- United Spirits Ltd.
She then invoked the California Shield Law, which protects reporters from being forced to disclose confidential sources.
CNN: O.J. Simpson trial: Debate over 'Fuhrman Tapes' heats up
The Transportation Security Administration had invoked a so-called "one-hour rule" after the thwarted attack, sources told CNN.
In the year since this defense has been recognized, not a single insider trading defendant has invoked it.
FORBES: Insider Trading: Are "Relationships of Trust and Confidence" the Last Line of Defense?
The authority EPA invoked was a maritime treaty that had not yet been approved by the U.S. Senate.
FORBES: The EPA: The Worst of Many Rogue Federal Agencies, Part II
Despite the restrictions imposed by state courts and legislatures, eminent domain continues to be invoked around the country.
The privilege was actually invoked only seven times from 2001 to 2005, according to the corrected report card.
It is the first time the self-defense charter has been invoked in the 52-year history of the alliance.
The debates over government-run health care frequently have invoked the experience of the British and Canadian health services.
WSJ: Christopher DeMuth: A Referendum on ObamaCare and Liberty
Jenifer and Gary Troxel invoked the Washington law to spend more time with their granddaughters, Isabelle and Natalie.
He also invoked the bitterly disputed 2000 presidential election to argue that Americans should elect Obama in November.