It's the only flavor he and his partner are scooping at the Iowa State Fair.
NPR: Ice Cream with a Twist: Liquid Nitrogen
So all of a sudden, we were at the Iowa State Fair and forming a business and franchising.
NPR: Ice Cream with a Twist: Liquid Nitrogen
And also, Paul Ryan will be at the Iowa State Fair today.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
And it was good also to be back at the Iowa State Fair, although when I was just a candidate, they let me go on the bumper cars. (Laughter.) And I went up on the Big Bend -- you guys ever been on that, where they just shoot you up about 500 feet in the air?
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
This I think is going be so hilarious to watch, because in Iowa, in New Hampshire, there's been the same diner, the same state fair, the same pancake breakfast people, every candidate has known that they had to go to for the last, you know, 40 years.
NPR: Presidential Race Comes Early to Primary States