The iPod spawned a line of products, including the iPod Mini, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and iPod Touch.
From Down Under came a white 2GB iPod shuffle, courtesy of the Australian prime minister.
This probably yielded more of the impetus behind the bare-bones iPod Shuffle than anything else.
ENGADGET: Switched On: The "i" behind iPod -- innovation, integration, or inertia?
There were waterproof cases and leather cases, cases for the MacBooks, and cases for the tiny, iPod shuffle.
The iriver S7 is alive, and it's brown, and small... iPod shuffle small as you can see from that pic above.
But now a new technology offers me an antidote: the iPod shuffle.
ENGADGET: The Pipeline: Props to Circuits, Mossberg on ultralights, Wildstrom on the PSP
For a good year and a half, the third-generation iPod Shuffle was my most valuable gadget, eclipsed only by my OG Droid.
ENGADGET: IRL: Nexus One, Sansa Clip Zip, DeLorme PN-60 and the HP TouchPad
An Apple TV, an iPod Shuffle or the Airport Express?
FORBES: Customer Service, Customer Service, Customer Service
However, there's another flash-based player that Apple briefly mentioned at Macworld Expo that stands to become more strategically important to the computer maker down the road than the iPod shuffle.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Motorola will play shuffle-bored on deck
If the server machine is running OS X, getting it to talk with your Mac mini is easier than selling a marked up iPod shuffle on eBay - your success is assured.
And not content with anything less than total domination, in January Apple introduced the iPod shuffle, a flash-memory player, which is naturally smaller and better looking than anything the competition can yet muster.
In any case, the iPod shuffle has proved the product's vaunted "halo effect" in that, when Apple introduced its new iPod in January, everybody stopped talking about how many copies of Halo 2 Microsoft shipped during December.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Motorola will play shuffle-bored on deck
ENGADGET: Switched On: Motorola will play shuffle-bored on deck
This year is not expected to be different, with most speculation centering on the unveiling of several Intel-based laptops or desktops, a refresh on the iPod Shuffle--the company's entry-level music player that could possibly be upgraded to include a screen--and possibly a reconfigured Mac Mini to include a DR.
And when Apple introduced its iPod "shuffle" digital music player in 2005, the company added a "Do Not Eat" warning on its Web site.
And when Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) introduced its iPod "shuffle" digital music player in 2005, the company added a "Do Not Eat" warning on its Web site.
Apple is likely to build iCloud service into all iOS devices, possibly including even entry-level products like the iPod Nano and Shuffle.
FORBES: Apple: Street Jockeys Ahead Of June Quarter; Shares Rebound
Her iPod was on shuffle, but the song it picked was perfect.
You prefer the shuffle mode on your iPod and you skip the boring parts of The Tonight Show with your TiVo.
The phone was equipped with a 128-megabyte Sandisk TransFlash memory card--just one-quarter the capacity of Apple's smallest iPod, the 512-megabyte shuffle, which holds about 120 songs.
Does it also mean we'll see an HP iPod mini, or even an HP shuffle?
In 2005 Apple reinvented the iPod again, introducing the even smaller Shuffle, with flash memory and no screen.
In its various incarnations, from Shuffle to Nano, the iPod consistently proves itself one of the most beloved executive toys.
The analysts were also looking at the iPod product progression from the first generation launched in November 2001 to the Mini, Shuffle and Nano in different and smaller formats at lower price points.
Lots of docks are available for most flavors of iPod, but few capture the essence of their intended music player better than the minimalist PocketParty Shuffle.
It can even generate an offline playlist on the device -- something similar in spirit to a feature I've long wanted on the iPod and other players, which is to be able to "switch gears" while listening in shuffle mode to play more tracks from just that artist, the rest of the album, or other songs like the one I've heard.