Details of the Iraq Study Group's upcoming report are beginning to show up in the media.
Immediately before his appointment, Gates was a member of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group.
Mr. JAMES BAKER (Co-Chairman, Iraq Study Group): Where I think we're really missing the boat is Syria.
Reaction now to the Iraq Study Group's report from Iraq's ambassador to the United States, Samir Sumaidaie.
Alan Simpson and William Perry were members of the Iraq Study Group and helped write the panel's report.
The current President Bush met with the Iraq Study Group yesterday and said it was a good session.
Mr. JAMES BAKER (Co-chair, Iraq Study Group): We're going to come with some rather specific and detailed recommendations.
Then, there are the admirers of the blue-ribbon Iraq Study Group chaired by James Baker and Lee Hamilton.
He said he now supports a bipartisan bill that embraces the findings of the independent Iraq Study Group.
Baker fleshed on his view in the Iraq Study Group's recommendations that were published immediately after the elections.
The current US strategy of staying the course was no longer viable, Iraq Study Group leader James Baker said.
Mr. LEE HAMILTON (Co-chair, Iraq Study Group): The government of Iraq must act.
If you look at some of the things we suggested in the Iraq study group report, they're doing those things.
Although the bipartisan Iraq Study Group recommended diplomatic engagement with the two countries last month, the Bush administration has ruled that out.
Gone, for the moment at least, is "surrender" - the leitmotif, if not the stated purpose, of Jim Baker's Iraq Study Group.
Mr. Gates was, until his nomination, a member of the Iraq Study Group and, presumably, was comfortable with the thrust of its findings.
An outstanding example of this sort of cross-partisan nonsense was the 2006 bipartisan Iraq Study Group's recommendations to then president George W. Bush.
In addition to the Iraq Study Group, he will soon be receiving reports from his own staff, the Pentagon and the National Security Agency.
The co-chairmen of the Iraq Study Group are former Secretary of State James Baker III, a Republican, and former Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton, a Democrat.
And everyone is waiting for the Iraq Study Group to come up with a face-saving way for Congress and the White House to come together.
Mr Bush also ignored the managed withdrawal advocated by the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan commission co-chaired by James Baker, a former secretary of state.
ECONOMIST: George Bush announces a last push for ��victory��
Mr Gates's membership of the much-heralded Iraq Study Group means that he will have a vested interest in getting the report accepted and acted on.
Finally, there will be two days of deliberations by the Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton.
Nebraska Republican Chuck Hagel tore into the strategy both at the Negroponte hearing and later at a hearing with members of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group.
Gates had spent most of 2006 as a member of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan group of ten members commissioned by Congress to assess the situation.
The two co-chairmen of the Iraq Study Group testified on Capitol Hill on Thursday about their recommendations for what they call a new way forward in Iraq.
Asked about the recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, Rumsfeld said he had not read the entire report and he said success in Iraq would take time.
In the United States, a bipartisan panel, the Iraq Study Group, has criticized the president's war policy and called for a conditional withdrawal of American combat forces by 2008.
On the pages of The Weekly Standard and in every other form he's been afforded, Robert Kagan has been arguing against the major policies advocated by the Iraq Study Group.
But now he says he and the other members of the Iraq Study Group are ignoring past errors and looking to what can be done in Iraq from here on.