The goal, several officials tell us, is to light a fire under the Iraqi Governing Council.
It also calls on the Iraqi Governing Council to submit a plan for a constitution and for elections.
After Saddam Hussein's regime fell, he was appointed to the Iraqi Governing Council and put in charge of its finances.
Bremer heads to the United Nations on Monday to meet with Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the president of the Iraqi Governing Council and other officials.
He has carried out negotiations with the US and represented Sciri at international meetings, and holds Sciri's only seat on the US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council.
Also, it was noted that Bush did not mention by name the president of the Iraqi Governing Council even though Ahmed Chalabi attended the speech.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The Iraqi Governing Council president warned Thursday that the road to Iraqi sovereignty could be delayed by trying to have direct elections for a transitional national assembly.
One U.S. official said the new effort is proof the administration values the contributions of the Iraqi Governing Council, some of whose leading members have pressed for a greater U.N. role.
Annan, Iraqi Governing Council members and coalition officials, including U.S. civilian administrator L. Paul Bremer and top British official Jeremy Greenstock, are scheduled to meet Monday in New York to discuss the U.N. role.
That legislature -- or parliament -- would then choose a new executive administration to take over sovereignty of Iraq by the July 1 deadline set by the Bush administration in its agreement with the interim Iraqi Governing Council.
The resolution conferred a measure of symbolic sovereignty on the Iraqi Governing Council, authorised a multinational force to patrol Iraq and gave the council until December 15th to publish a timetable for the transfer of power and the holding of elections.
As for the building of Iraqi political institutions, the Governing Council has been operating since July, and has appointed interim ministers to run the Iraqi ministries.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Also with the three governing council members was a former Iraqi mission diplomat, Mohammad Al-Humaimidi, who defected from the mission two years ago.
Adnan Pachachi, a leading member of the Governing Council, said at the weekend that until Iraqi forces were able to combat al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups operating in the country, they would still need outside help.