The difference, according to Harold Finkelstein, an irascible wholesaler from Long Island City, N.
This conciliatory tone was in striking contrast to Mr Arzalluz's sometimes irascible and always fiery language.
Last summer, when I asked Mitchell if this irascible image of Stevens was accurate, he smiled.
His at-times irascible demeanour and lack of a 'Celtic background' also chafed with others to varying degrees.
Premature though it may be to write Apple off again, the irascible Mr Jobs may have to find some new tricks.
It suggests an overestimation of Congress's strength, and the party's failure to reassure the TC's irascible leader, Mamata Banerjee, is careless at best.
There is also an irascible, motoring Jack Russell terrier, whose arthritic hindquarters are mounted on wheels, and a variety of predatory mastiffs with an eye for porkers.
Lloyd provides effective narration and gravitas as The Singer in the first act, then turns irascible and loud throughout Act 2 as Azdak, the vulgar, ranting, drunken judge.
The training already incudes a course on handling irascible customers.
But the patents are broad enough for the company's chairman, an irascible Aussie doctor-turned-entrepreneur named Mervyn Jacobson (who is cofounder with Simons in what was earlier known as GeneType).
At the New York Stock Exchange the staff had a nickname for the irascible AIG chief: Mr. Yoohoo, for his frequent calls to complain about the trading of AIG stock.
Besides learning that they are somehow lacking in empathy or goodness or the ability to heal, little guidance is being provided to those who among them have decided that they cannot believe in a sometimes violent and irascible God or who in fact have found their faith in God in question as a result of this tragedy.