While that may irk Londoners, O'Reilly says this has actually helped make the city more competitive.
What will irk employers, though, is that the new rules require immediate vesting of the match.
Unless it's charitable or company-related work, Ancowitz cautions, the request might irk the people who sign your checks.
That alone is enough to irk his more authoritarian neighbours in Saudi Arabia.
But these aesthetic concerns, while not unimportant, are not what irk passengers most, says Anthony Smith, chief executive of Passenger Focus.
That initiative could irk Russia, which provides assistance to Mr. Assad's regime.
Being charged different prices for the same goods may irk people.
The omission of a Linux app, a painfully slow web interface and the lack of free offline access on Android irk me more than a little.
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The timing of the trials gives athletes who earn an Olympic spot little time to bask in that glory, a limitation that may irk their sponsors.
Sometimes we don't notice little things that irk other people.
These anomalies irk some early FSC supporters, such as Simon Counsell, who has set up a website, FSC Watch, to monitor the problematic practices of the green group.
Other deals between pharmaceutical companies and generic drug firms have run into trouble with the Federal Trade Commission, but Reid says that the Pfizer-Ranbaxy deal has none of the types of provisions that irk regulators.
Her very presence seemed to irk married women of her age, not because they saw her as a threat but, rather, because her widowhood and loneliness reminded them that they could end up like her.
But every demand creator spends an inordinate amount of time talking to customers, trying to find out what their hassles are, and thinking about what things that irk them today could be turned into delight tomorrow.
The first major U.S. social networking site to go public, LinkedIn has managed to irk the business media, with most commentators, from Jim Cramer to the Financial Times calling the stock overvalued while reminding their audience of the pitfalls of the dotcom bubble.