That's the way this process works, and we'll iron out differences as they come.
That seemed plenty of time to iron out differences between Republicans and Democrats.
Attorneys for the government and the Native American plaintiffs will go before a magistrate in Washington on Nov. 28 to try to iron out differences over discovery.
The Observer turns its attention to the prime minister, claiming that he suffered an "embarrassing setback" while on his trip to Berlin to iron out differences over Iraq with the German Chancellor and the French President.
Fans of a single chamber think Mr Moe may have another motive besides the preservation of freedom: to wit, the preservation of his own power to appoint members of the conference committees, who meet late in each session to iron out differences between the houses.
He's hoping that legislators on Capitol Hill will work to iron out their differences.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton
Ziese said he would hold talks with GFA chairman Ben Koufie in order to iron out their differences.
The outcome of Tuesday's meeting, which had both Ganguly and Chappell promising to iron out their differences, will probably please supporters of both the coach and the captain.
Pennsylvania Republican Arlen Specter Chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he would also Chair the Conference Committee that would iron out the differences between the House and Senate's competing immigration bills.
And I think this is the first of quite a few steps, and I would assume that some of those details will be debated even -- will be debated further as this goes to the other side of the Hill and then ultimately when both bodies iron out whatever differences exist.
Naturally, Mr. Obama is sitting down with the leaders of both parties in a good-faith effort to iron out their remaining differences before the July 1 rate increase.
We're in the process of working with Congress to iron out the small number of differences between the two pieces of legislation.