Mood swings and irrational behavior used to be called simply that: mood swings and irrational behavior.
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After a long development cycle and a marketing blitz, Irrational Games will have ambitious sales targets.
It is, despite all of our irrational expectations, tracking along like a traditional tech boom market.
Don't be surprised if the market for Son shares lurches back to irrational exuberance.
Yet one thing is not new: the tendency of investors to veer off into irrational exuberance.
And blackmail usually works better when the practitioners are seen as irrational and unpredictable.
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The resultant 2008 book, Predictably Irrational, has sold 136, 000 copies, according to Nielsen BookScan.
Whether that human economic behavior is rational or irrational may ultimately be a matter of perspective.
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The evidence at trial favored Hotchkiss, and the jury's verdict was "unjust and irrational, " they wrote.
The irrational rules governing the process prevent it from producing the market equilibrium price.
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The lawyers claimed Cambridgeshire County Council made an "irrational" decision when funding his care.
Judges unanimously rejected that a decision made in June 2010 was unlawful because it was irrational.
That rational process is not helping someone in the middle of an irrational act.
The illusion of control clouds our thinking and leads us to make poor or irrational choices.
This is irrational exuberance, according to Schiff, as the market is fully subsidized by the Fed.
Greed in the boardroom typically manifests as an irrational optimism about the value of a program.
Disunity would be irrational if EU members always saw their common interests as paramount.
Personal preferences are displaced by irrational collective preferences, which pretend to serve the greater good.
She loves him in the irrational way that people who are in love love each other.
By the way, the pricing of institutional investment advisory services is also irrational and often excessive.
Such an outcome would be utterly irrational given what all parties involved would stand to lose.
The mobs were violent and irrational, but they were smaller than might have been expected.
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Other states revise marriage arrangements to reflect new values and norms, but neither judgment is irrational.
In the short time since then, things have gotten much worse, bordering on an irrational panic.
And there's no worry about inflation or irrational exuberance regarding the prices that Crowe is asking.
In suggesting that this is anything other than in the soldier's best interest is irrational.
The underlying reasons seem to be that investors, often self-directed, are impatient and irrational.
Confronting a stalker can can be dangerous since stalkers are likely to be irrational and unpredictable.
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In fact, a market correction, though unpleasant, helps to prevent irrational exuberance from forming.
Irrational Games has a poll asking fans which reversible cover for BioShock Infinite they like best.