They said as many as 1, 000 Iraqi army irregulars had withdrawn into the city.
The Iraqis fighting in Basra were "irregulars, " lightly armed and few in number, Lockwood said.
The new bodies bring the known total of Jupiter satellites to 39, of which 31 are irregulars.
He said British forces also killed 20 irregulars in the swiftly conducted raid.
In battle the hastily cobbled- together Russian forces there have, to date, been no match for the Chechen irregulars.
This effectively invites the opposing side, which is not able to distinguish such irregulars from innocent civilians, to retaliate against non-combatants.
Instead, such irregulars are, in effect, entitled to use non-combatant populations as camouflage for their operations thereby inviting retaliatory attacks against civilians.
Syria's rebel irregulars could not beat them in a head-on fight.
Some of the battle groups have met some resistance from irregulars.
We will continue to eradicate the Baath Party and the irregulars.
He later claimed, however, that he and his compatriots were disarmed and turned back by other Arabs who did not want the help of Palestinian irregulars.
Opposing Frank is the real-life police detective Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe), who hunts Frank down with a group of irregulars (that is, honest cops) operating out of Essex County, New Jersey.
At face value, Bernanke and the rest of the Easy Street Irregulars would have us believe that QE2 is about creating juuuuussssst enough inflation for at least one person in this country to want to hire one other person.
In 1811, President Madison secretly dispatched a disgraced Georgia pol and land speculator named George Mathews to secure Florida for the U.S. After a year's boondoggling, Mathews and a force of nine irregulars talked the nine Spanish defenders of the island into ceding it to America, a meaningless swap that neither country recognized.
The police and army declared that settlement like this could set off violent demonstrations and some military men also let it be known, to the government's chagrin, that they thought the long crisis with the Palestinians was likely to explode soon in a renewed intifada, or rebellion, which could quickly escalate into guerrilla warfare between the Israeli army and armed Palestinian policemen and irregulars.