But even when one accounts for Kidd's intangibles, by no means is he irreplaceable.
Well, if--as with a real highway--it destroys something irreplaceable, a vital ecosystem essential to human life.
This heritage is an irreplaceable source of identity and a driver of future development and cohesion.
The WHO treaty is based on the assumption that the global tobacco economy is not irreplaceable.
For social entrepreneurs, a strong network like Ashoka is an irreplaceable piece of a complicated puzzle.
When he died suddenly last weekend, his colleagues said that he was probably irreplaceable.
"We spent Saturday afternoon collecting up valuables, paperwork, irreplaceable stuff -- photos, stuff like that, " he said.
As I often point out, doctors are the one element of our healthcare system that are irreplaceable.
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These losses are irreplaceable, and weigh heavily in favor of declining to impose a stay or injunction.
His point was the relationships with real old fashioned ways of communication are still irreplaceable by screens.
People who know and love the Barnes felt something precious and irreplaceable was in danger of being lost.
His employer Mercian Tree Specialists described him as "irreplaceable" and said colleagues were deeply saddened by his death.
Many of the services the environment provides, like clean water and air, are irreplaceable necessities, they point out.
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Our cultural and natural heritage is an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: World Heritage Sites
He was described as "an irreplaceable character" and a devoted Manchester United fan.
The priority importance is attributed to underground sources as the basis for irreplaceable resource for supplying people with water.
Places that help attract visitors and create jobs, but that also give something to our kids that is irreplaceable.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation
These clans play an irreplaceable role in building, maintaining and protecting the bridges.
An estimated half a million books in the nation's libraries were damaged, along with irreplaceable archival documents and prints.
But as the embodiment of an abstract marketing message, Martha is surely irreplaceable.
Just for good measure, they are trying to make it irreplaceable by law.
She said the box contained antique jewellery and other items passed down through her family, which she said were irreplaceable.
Eventually they did arrive, even though people who were predicting them had to suffer through years of the never-gonna-happen-because-of-the-irreplaceable-smell-and-touch-arguments bashing.
True supercomputers are irreplaceable for some scientific problems, such as weather forecasting, where many processors must communicate frequently with one another.
Opposition leader Hazel Watson said increased capacity at Gatwick would lead to the loss of "precious countryside" and "irreplaceable historic buildings".
In a newspaper interview earlier on Wednesday, Mr Sarkozy said that Syria could "provide an irreplaceable contribution to solving Middle East issues".
Now survival is commonplace, and a large part of the credit goes to the irreplaceable component of medicine known as intensive care.
It strengthens trust, creates serendipity, and fosters community in an irreplaceable way.
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Trusts chief executive Sue Holden said the generosity of the public has meant they now have an opportunity to safeguard irreplaceable forest.
Earlier in the season, Stoudemire wasn't having that sort of irreplaceable impact.