It's the first time that Howell has had to irrigate in the 40 years running the farm.
Big dams power the flashing neon lights of Las Vegas and irrigate golf courses in the Arizona desert.
By means of canals and huge concrete aquaducts, they took the rivers' waters to irrigate vast areas of cotton.
Some of the evaporated seawater inside the greenhouse also condenses creating freshwater, which will be used to irrigate plants.
They can then use the ponds to irrigate their farms throughout the year, which preserves topsoil and prevents runoff downstream.
Increasingly, untreated wastewater is being used to irrigate crops, increasing the chances of parasitic and bacterial infections via contaminated food supplies.
Part of this recycled water is then used to irrigate the park.
Another 31 million is used to irrigate crops, and 39 million more flows through rivers and streams, keeping the fish and frogs wet.
But both also filled reservoirs for the many Chilean farmers who artificially irrigate their land and had suffered three years of low rainfall.
As well as being used to generate hydroelectricity, the dammed water was also used to irrigate three crops a year instead of just one.
During the 1960s, planners in the former Soviet Union began to divert its water sources to irrigate cotton and other crops in the region with disastrous consequences.
He planted beech saplings in a well-spaced circle and, according to one story, then carried bottles of water up the slope to irrigate his saplings daily on that arid summit.
If all goes well, it may even fulfil an old dream to irrigate swathes of farmland in northern Sudan, while sending electricity to run the thirsty air-conditioners of Khartoum.
Its population has nearly doubled over the past 40 years, and frequent droughts have restricted development and forced residents of Atlanta at times to use dirty water to irrigate their gardens.
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Once over the top of a high dune, you come to a hot spring, the size of a large jacuzzi, where sulphurous water bubbles in a pool and runs off to irrigate a garden.
It invests in businesses dedicated to making social change, like the drip irrigation company MicroDrip, which intends to save farmers money by enabling them to use less water to irrigate their crops.
To be sure, the dam has helped Egyptian farmers irrigate year-round and has prevented periodic flooding, but it has also deprived the Nile delta of nutrient-rich silt, which instead just piles up behind the dam.
Mark Molthan, a builder in Dallas, says many energy executives like subterranean garages that can hold a dozen cars, elevators and cisterns to ensure they always have water to be able to irrigate their yards.
Few Ethiopian farmers irrigate.
ECONOMIST: Facing famine, Ethiopia appeals urgently for food aid