Raising the general testosterone level, though, has unfortunate side-effects: weight gain, acne and irritability.
Side effects of allergy medications can contribute to irregular sleeping patterns that increase irritability.
Now you have resulting symptoms from that fatigue, irritability, feeling overwhelmed.... We've become less tolerant of negative emotions.
But that fever that she was screaming about, you know screaming with high fevers in irritability 48 hours later.
And in some men we encounter in our practice, those affects can be mostly visible: low mood and irritability.
Friends and family of unemployed people should look for warning signs, such as sadness, lack of energy, insomnia and irritability.
Have you observed possible signs of pain in your infant or toddler, such as ear pulling, difficulty sleeping or unusual irritability?
Parental and physician observations of behavior, especially socialization and irritability will be closely evaluated according to investigators involved with this study.
Depressive symptoms are not simply feeling miserable, but can include feelings of fear, loneliness irritability or lack of concentration, and even sleeplessness.
Most people first show definitive symptoms in their 20s and often have a history of mood swings, irritability and depression dating back to childhood.
Girls on the autism spectrum also engage in fewer repetitive behaviors such as rocking and spinning and less sensory irritability than boys with ASD.
Hyperarousal symptoms include difficulty falling or staying asleep, irritability or outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, being hypervigilant and finally, demonstrating an exaggerated startle response.
The most common reason for leaving the clinical trial because of side effects was a mix of mental side effects, including depression, anxiety and irritability.
And with all that increased stress comes the increased likelihood of irritability, anxiety and sexual dysfunction, all of which can take their toll on interpersonal relationships.
"Baby blues, " which do not require medical attention, can include mood swings, sleep problems, irritability, crying, anxiety and sadness in the first couple of weeks after birth.
Have you noticed any personality changes, including increased irritability?
In it, the therapist describes the child as an apparently "typical 5-year-old by temperament and interests" with no history of mood swings, irritability, depression, attention deficit disorder, learning issues or other problems.
Specialists say only a small number of people are expected to be so severely affected that they develop PTSD, a disorder that can include flashbacks, debilitating anxiety, irritability and insomnia months after the trauma.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes people to stop breathing momentarily and wake up as often as hundreds of times every night, leaving a lot of unexplained fatigue, irritability and millions of hours of lost productivity at the workplace.
That way, if your child develops certain warning signs, such as unusual sadness, irritability, anxiety, inattention, or a change in appetite, sleep, or ability to enjoy things, the doctor may be able to zero in on the cause -- and get your child help -- a lot sooner.