In some cases, people may become irritable or agitated, or may start to behave inappropriately.
The first drug for irritable bowel syndrome marked by constipation beat a year-long regulatory battle.
Over the course of several weeks she began to become unreasonably irritable and violent.
It has been shown that just 2% dehydration does affect concentration, and also makes you irritable.
The early signs of ovarian cancer can be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Always worth noting: Placebos may have a big impact against irritable bowel syndrome and pain.
And in the case of at least one malady, irritable-bowel syndrome, they are right.
Of those, only Lotronex, a treatment for irritable-bowel syndrome in women, has been re-introduced.
Approval for Zelnorm, a treatment for painful constipation known as irritable bowel syndrome, was delayed on safety concerns.
Kritzer becomes more openly irritable as her character wearies of her mother's impaired thought processes and prickly barbs.
The VelaPharm scientists found that one version, R-tofisapam, seemed to work in animal models of irritable bowel syndrome.
According to these criteria, you must have certain signs and symptoms before a doctor diagnoses irritable bowel syndrome.
Physicians in the emergency room diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome and sent her home.
The prime minister and his business secretary today risk sounding like an irritable couple arguing over what route to follow.
Because there are usually no physical signs to definitively diagnose irritable bowel syndrome, diagnosis is often a process of elimination.
His ideas are not much helped by his writing style, which grows more diffuse and irritable as time goes on.
Sufferers sleep for several days at a time, and when they wake up, they are irritable, ravenously hungry and sometimes hypersexual.
He was tight-lipped and irritable on the stump: so much so that several journalists covering his campaign mounted a brief boycott.
People who do work more hours tend to become sick more often, are more irritable, less productive, and are not focused.
Think about what might have happened earlier in the day, week or month that could have triggered your irritable or depressed feelings.
Patients suffer flashbacks, feel emotionally numb or become irritable or easily startled.
He even considers himself less irritable nowadays than when he was playing.
They are often told they have irritable bowel syndrome, but their symptoms improve on a gluten free diet (generally within one month).
They both eat very little, suffer from reflux and regularly vomit - but if they don't eat enough they become tired and irritable.
The Swiss firm heralded it as a breakthrough for millions of people with stomach pain, indigestion and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
It said over a third of the population regularly suffer from digestive illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea, stomach-aches, nausea and sickness.
My favorite of his experiments compared waiting, fake acupuncture, and fake acupuncture with warm, caring talk from the physician as treatments for irritable bowel syndrome.
He read in medical studies that this chemical has been shown to differentiate between irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, which includes Crohn's disease.
You know, not irritable, but more directive in a helpful way.
Even though the disease is not uncommon, doctors can misinterpret these symptoms and diagnose the patient as suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.