Still the news coverage is starting to irritate the Clinton team just a bit.
Do you like to participate in a hotel's sustainable programs, or do they irritate you?
Such stealth subsidies are unlikely to irritate voters, impatient with traffic jams and cancelled flights.
In their current mood, however, ministers are scared of doing anything to irritate motorists further.
These particles irritate the artery, making it inflamed and eventually causing the plaque to break apart.
Royal attempts at reform in the late 18th century had done little but irritate colonial elites.
Such extraordinary measures would almost inevitably lead to a weaker yen, which would irritate Japan's trading partners.
Either you'll scream at jokes like that, or they'll quickly irritate you the way they did me.
However, NSAIDs can irritate the stomach lining, and cause ulceration which can lead to bleeding and infections.
Ozone aggravates asthma and can irritate anyone's upper respiratory system, especially when it interacts with common household cleaners.
There are hundreds of ways to irritate the customer, patient, client, or guest.
Allergies to pollen, furry or feathery animals or house-dust mite, can be triggers for asthma, because they irritate the airways.
Most manage to irritate their daughters-in-law by spoiling their sons and then expecting the younger woman to do the same.
Deprived of the enemies it has evolved to cope with, it responds to stimuli that would not normally irritate it.
They can irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory system and cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, convulsions and permanent damage to internal organs.
But her refusal to say whether she felt the system needed completely rethinking or just "tidying up" appeared to irritate the committee.
Rather, it is a blend that's sure to please few, irritate some, and land flaccidly in the middle of modern-day musical relevance.
CNN: Entertainment - U2's latest a muddle of music both memorable, middling
AMTRAK, America's government-backed passenger railway, can ill-afford to irritate its customers.
As proof that its nonalcohol sanitizer doesn't dry or irritate the skin, SafeHands points to a company-funded study performed at California State University, Fresno.
"I will allow free discussion until you irritate me, " he says.
Generally the answer to the question is no, and is a means for the writer to grab the reader's attention and then proceed to irritate them.
Martin Winter, in Sueddeutsche Zeitung , warns that as much as Mr Cameron's ideas may irritate pro-EU politicians, it would be a mistake just to dismiss them.
Because the stomach contents tend to be acidic, they irritate the lining of the oesophagus - a phenomenon which has been linked to the development of cancer.
Misaligned teeth or poorly fitting crowns, bridges or other dental restorations may irritate your gums and also make it harder to remove plaque during your daily home care.
The fundamental issue I have with most of these tactics (and they are tactics, not strategies) is that they tend to irritate consumers and at times insult their intelligence.
The lactation consultant explained Reese was producing too much foremilk, which is full of sugar and can irritate a baby's delicate gut if she gets too much of it.
He may well irritate those on his side of the table, but what is more important is that he can work with those on the other side of the table.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Lead Negotiator Timothy Geithner Is The Right Man For The Job
Last July, United began blitzing every customer after every flight, though the airline now says it is rethinking the "cadence" of its survey program, since too many surveys can irritate customers.
Though in private ministers are keen to stress that Brazil respects property rights, they are unwilling to irritate an important trading partner or jeopardise Petrobras's Argentine interests by criticising their neighbour publicly.
"Mould (on plants) can irritate asthma, increase upper respiratory problems, cause headaches and affect concentration, " Dr. David Miller an expert on indoor air quality from Carleton University, Canada told the Globe and Mail newspaper.