Its self-described "paranoia" it won't even say how many people work in sales irritates analysts.
What irritates so many other Europeans is that Britain shows no enthusiasm for the European idea.
The company was classified as one of the state's top emitters of ammonia, which irritates skin and lungs.
This irritates the foreign funds, but it also costs Chinese companies receiving investments.
For Mr Bates, improvisation exists to subvert expectation, a view that stimulates or irritates according to your frame of mind.
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When something irritates the airways of a patient with asthma, the airways become tightened, inflamed and produce too much sticky mucus.
His father irritates and undermines him by calling him Junior in public.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - Does Bush film live up to hype?
It's a control that irritates power users but offers a sense of support and security to the rest of Apple's millions of customers.
The effort irritates out-of-state dealers who point out (rightly), that lobsters caught in New Hampshire or Nova Scotia are indistinguishable from ones trapped in Maine.
America may be happy to differ sharply from the world's other democracies on some moral and ethical issues, and this often irritates its closest friends.
This simply irritates people in the aftermath of the Great Recession.
This peddling of superior lifestyles is something that irritates many consumers.
Lazarus gets so involved in his role that even when it's clear filming has wrapped for the day, he sticks with it -- which irritates Chino to no end.
The investigating judge's slowness still irritates the victims' lawyers.
Indeed, now that salmorejo has gained a following outside of Andalusia, some restaurants serve it year round, a fact that irritates purists because it means cooks may have to use hothouse tomatoes.
It irritates the majority who are already behaving responsibly, and it may also undermine all government pronouncements on health by convincing people that they have an ultra-cautious margin of error built in.
Such fat-cattery irritates ordinary Congolese, not only because they would be lucky to earn as much in 100 years, but also because the firms in question provide practically no services to the poor.
The Swedish are the most tolerant of what others wear in the workplace, but there is still a gender split: revealing clothing irritates 35 percent of the women in Sweden, but only 12 percent of the men.
Too much alcohol also irritates your gastrointestinal tract. (Imagine pouring a class of Absolut on an open wound.) Eating just about anything while you drink eases the pain because the food coats the lining of your intestines.
There is only so much you can take of the stars saying how "lucky and blessed" they were to have been able to give two years of their life to the project, and the bland American voiceover irritates.
Buckley irritates a lot of people.
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