Wylfa is defended by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), an armed force dedicated to counter-terrorism.
The electoral-college system is fiercely defended by small states as an integral part of the federal system.
The Israeli ban on Wagner is often defended by those who claim to hear Wagner's personal politics transmuted into sound.
Others will seek the leadership of the Panjshir, which is said to be defended by 12, 000 fighters.
Iran is defended, but mainly by Soviet-era surface-to-air missiles of a kind the Israelis have dealt with before.
Though it is always hard to forecast when any cycle will end, given the dovish world view defended by the Central Bank, Volpon is expecting a total of 75 basis points in rate hikes conducted in 25 bp increments.
Some have defended the LP by saying it is an expressive outlet for political libertarians, as distinct from more intellectual or policy types.
WSJ: Randy Barnett: The Mistake That Is the Libertarian Party
The market was re-created as London's Eurobond market, which now accounts for a large slice of City of London business (and is currently being fiercely defended in the City against proposals by the European Commission for a withholding tax that would very likely divert the business elsewhere).
He defended his reticence by citing Maturin's own opinion that "question and answer is not a civilised form of conversation".
Surrounded by a crude stockade, much of it topped with thorns, the hamlet is well defended against outside predators.
Mr Coke's rights will be ably defended by his lawyer, Tom Tavares-Finson, a government-appointed senator who is also one of the JLP's two members on the island's Electoral Commission.
ECONOMIST: Jamaica and organised crime: Seeking Mr Coke | The
The fund's officials have defended the fund's performance, saying it is a long-term investor that shouldn't be judged by short-term market swings.
The health care industry is well defended in Washington, but the level of financial pain, and the extent to which providers do embarrassingly well by doing good, is rising to the action threshold, perhaps?