Although China is making it possible for Africans to visit, study and work in China, it is not asking, or requesting, other countries to emulate it or support its values.
Is it because China has 22% of the world's population but only 7% of its fresh water?
It is not only China's biggest, it is almost certainly its best, winning praise from the United Nations anti-drug programme.
ECONOMIST: How one enlightened Chinese province deals with addiction
In the new Singapore, it is all right to love one's country even if it is China.
Moreover, the size of China's food aid contributions to North Korea is unclear, but it is believed that China donates a large percentage of the North's food supply.
But the main point is that to China it is Chinese, and to Taiwan it is simply menacing.
Nor is it obvious that China's money is helping to buy European sympathy.
ECONOMIST: China��s buying spree raises hope, and fear in Europe
It is another to work out where it is going and how it gets past China's strict capital controls.
Yet keenly as Shantou is feeling the region's pain, it is still China.
If there is one source of relief for the party it is that China's consumers have not been swept up by a recent surge of discontent abroad over safety standards of Chinese products.
ECONOMIST: Inflation in China: An old worry nags again | The
It is China's extraordinary human resources that will lift it to its rightful destiny of leadership and widely held prosperity in the 21st century.
The stock market is more volatile in China than it is in the U.S., and interest rates in China are low, around 3.5 percent for deposit rates.
FORBES: Popping Housing Bubble A Long Term Strategy, China's Wen Says
So perhaps another way to think of it is that China itself may not have resolved the question of how grown up it is and what that means.
And wage growth in Mexico is flat, while it is rising in China.
The iPhone has been available in China since 2009 through China Unicom and it is likely that China Telecom launches the iPhone 4S on its CDMA network early next year.
FORBES: Apple Has A Plum With China Passing U.S. As Largest Smartphone Market
Meanwhile, Wal-Mart has also announced that it is having a China rethink, admitting it had made mistakes in its haste to expand and saying that it has cut by one-half the amount of new square footage that it will add in the country.
But if there is any country that has the political audacity and ability to implement something so drastic, it is China.
It knows China will not like it and it is increasingly dependent on China economically.
That seems far-fetched after all, Russia is probably on better terms with both India and Vietnam, traditional Chinese rivals, than it is with China itself.
The U.S. argues that it is not trying to contain China but is trying to understand it.
Second, it is assumed that China applied due diligence before it pursued such an investment, and determined that it was to the best of its own interests.
The life insurance industry is an interesting one in China because it is, in essence, another piece of the puzzle that may ultimately explain how China will make the transition from an economy led by exports and government investment, to one that that is led by consumption and investment by the private sector.
With the rapid industrialization that has occurred in China, it is no surprise that China is now the largest market for machine tools in the world.
Beyond the sheer size of the market, Kodak is keen on China because it is the one place in the world where it is clearly trouncing Fuji.
And that is why it is so important that China as well as countries around the globe -- major economies around the globe need to take the necessary actions to continue economic growth and continue job creation.
The ministry has found itself further marginalised, as conviction grows within the party that the West is in terminal decline and that it is time for China to assert itself as a global power.
But it is not just China's internal strains that prevent it playing partner to America, or indeed anyone else, in Asia.
First, it is much smaller than China, so it will have to be more export-oriented and it will have to work harder for foreign investment.