Task number one in the in-tray of the police commissioner is convincing people it is all worth it.
It is not clear the additional expense and higher complication rate of the new gadget is worth it for all heart patients, doctors say.
It is all worth it because I get to visit our amazing clients and hear about their passions around developing cures for cancer, inventing alternative energy solutions to save our planet or using technology to drive world financial markets.
Exchange-rate flexibility is more trouble than it is worth, advocates say, so abandon it once and for all.
Indeed, most of Hawking's Discovery Channel program was devoted to explaining that life as we know it is hugely diverse, and life as we don't yet know it is worth searching for because of all the ways a discovery would inform and surprise us.
President Mubarak said he never sough the office, maybe so, but he sure has held onto it for all it is worth.
Google is milking this cash cow for all it is worth, but in order to find more paid search advertisers, it could still improve.
Generally, if there is any Scottish element to the facts at all it is worth at least asking your lawyer about a possible claim.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Cohabitation in Scotland
If Warren Buffett has emancipated himself from stock picking, what is the residual Berkshire Hathaway all about and what is it worth?
You may not feel much of a a glow as you read its conclusions but it is worth a read all the same.
In that regard, it is worth noting that all of the biggest players in the sector are already conglomerates in some sense of the term.
FORBES: After Bin Laden, What Next For The Defense Industry?
Lloyd's has to explain why what it does is worth doing at all.
The gratitude, the simplicity, and the lasting impression of the pleasure that was brought to this family by the REDD brand is all worth it.
FORBES: The Gift of Love...Through the Pleasure of Receiving REDD!
And what I want young people to understand, especially our young people in college, because I know that you face some struggles and you have some doubts and you hit some barriers and you wonder where this is all worth it, whether this change can really happen.
The government of Vojislav Kostunica has been playing this for all it is worth.
Is it worth a significant price premium over all the generic alternatives?
Every man and woman I spoke to reflected on how it was all worth it for that feeling when the search is a success and a life is saved.
After all, what is it worth being able to drive across bridges without fear of plunging to certain death? (By my calculations our bridge failure rate is one in three hundred and fifty thousand).
FORBES: Infrastructure Gap? Look at the Facts. We Spend More Than Europe
The snag is that it is unclear whether analysts are worth keeping at all without such conflicts.
ECONOMIST: A Nordic bank hands its equity research to a ratings agency
And the problem with this is that it makes all future EU deposit insurance worth that much less.
It is worth mentioning that the ANC, for all its flaws, has plenty of good people - and achievements - under its belt.
Therefore it is worth considering why such a war is all but certain and what southern Sudanese independence means for the region and the world.
It is well worth reading, legal citations and all.
FORBES: Senator Kohl Boosts Anti ATT/T Mobile Merger Sentiment
Often they assume that they are all stolen, but it is worth remembering that the art market, black or otherwise, has existed for a long time.
All the hard work is worth it.
BBC: 2012 Paralympics: Huge crowds cheer David Weir to victory