If you and your husband have already separated and live in different counties or states, or if you spend equal time at homes in Connecticut and New York, for example, it is worth your while to check into the legal implications of filing in the different venues legitimately available to you.
It is worth noting that while the exhibited artworks are often visually beautiful, much of the cultural history they represent is illuminated in even greater detail in the eponymous exhibition book.
It is worth soaking up a little bit of the magic while it still survives.
So the government is helping make it worth the councils' while to get rid of their stock.
ECONOMIST: Some councils are getting rid of their entire housing stock
Doubtless we could go on, while it is also worth pointing out that this post could have been written virtually any week of the year.
While it is worth reflecting that the vast majority of inter-actions with it would be rated as "satisfactory, " the overall end of year verdict should probably read: "Could Do Better".
The trouble is, that while a picture is worth a thousand words, and the words it evokes are beyond the control of the person in the picture.
Apparently, advertisers still believe if you see their ad in print it is worth way more than if you clicked their ad while online.
While the severity is notable, it is worth remembering that the Fed policy is not going to reverse as dramatically as some seem to fear.
FORBES: Thrill Of Victory, Agony Of Defeat In A Single Session For The Bulls
It is worth noting that the landing craft in question, while they have not been named in any of the reporting, are very clearly not the landing craft from the Black Sea fleet that were at the center of the controversy in late June but totally different ships from the Northern Fleet.
While it is a private residence, it is worth just a look from the outside.
Ford's stock, while it's worth half what is was five years ago, has quietly crept up 27% since last June.
Still, if medical technology is an area of expertise for you, it might be worth your while to give these stocks some attention.
FORBES: Book Review: The Little Book Of Big Profits From Small Stocks
Yet it's worth noting that while Mr. Hagel is eager to engage the world's rogues without preconditions, his attitude toward Israel tends, at best, to the paternalistic.
While some may find them cramped, it is worth pointing out that legions of foreign English-teachers (and aspiring travel writers) have spent years living in spaces not much larger than these.
While cardiologists believe massive LDL-lowering is worth it, existing drugs do the job well enough--and cheap generic versions of Zocor and Pravachol, from Bristol-Myers Squibb, are on the way.
While cardiologists believe massive LDL-lowering is worth it, existing drugs do the job well enough--and cheap generic versions of Zocor and Pravachol, from Bristol-Myers Squibb (nyse: BMY - news - people ), are on the way.
And while Muhammad Ali could not join us tonight, it is worth reflecting upon his remarkable contributions, as he's grown from an unmatched fighter in the ring to a man of quiet dignity and grace who continues to fight for what he believes -- and that includes the notion that people of all faiths holds things in common.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks Before Ramadan Celebration Dinner
While Limbaugh has always been one to court controversy, it is worth wondering what caused him to go so off the rails in the first place.
FORBES: Rush Limbaugh's Real Problem: He's Become Less Influential
They tend to argue that it would be worth our while to give up our deterrent if that is the necessary price for dissuading even some nations around the world from acquiring chemical weapons.
EU. While European negotiators agree with America on principle, they say it is not worth risking the entire negotiation over a relatively small dispute.
He's a one-in-a-trillion example, and while it's worth aspiring to be him, the reality is that you are not going be able to do that.
And for airlines like south-east Asia's Royal Brunei, which are too small for it to be worth their while joining an alliance, the best way to compete is not to compete.
Geography weighs differently: a tonne of sulphur dioxide emitted in a big city may cause more harm than the same tonne emitted in a rural area, while a dollar's-worth of output counts the same wherever it is produced.
While it has taken longer than anticipated to build, those behind the project insist she is worth the wait.
While it would be preferable to have brains and beauty in one package, the exhibition is worth seeing for the beauty alone.
Aldy said the economic benefits from avoided health problems and saved lives are clear while Cass said the cost to industry to adhere to the air pollution limits is not worth it.
Second, while Obama didn't talk about dealing with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, it is worth pointing out the Taliban leadership, including Mullah Omar, has in the past several months taken every opportunity to say that it has no interest in a deal with the Afghan government.
"There are some in the village that will be marginally over the top of 512Kbps and may not qualify for the money, which is a real handicap because we need a reasonable number of people to come on to the scheme to make it worth while, " he said.
Any dealer worth his salt knows there should be no interruption while a collector looks at an object: It is a moment of great intimacy.
WSJ: The Craft Collector | One Man's Search for Ancient China | Sackler Gallery | By Lee Rosenbaum