Los Angeles is criss-crossed by no fewer than 87 independent cities, including places like Beverly Hills that most outsiders think are part of the city.
Even so, Labour is pouring in support with no fewer than eight MPs turning up for a single campaigning event - including all three winners from by-elections held just 48 hours earlier in Manchester, Corby and Cardiff.
Stock buybacks give executives more flexibility since there is no negative connotation associated with repurchasing fewer shares than allowed by the announced size of the program.
Unilever's account is handled, for example, by no fewer than 47 WPP firms, from GroupM (media buying advice and execution) to OgilvyOne Worldwide (digital marketing) to Burson-Marsteller (public relations).
If a home is rented for fewer than 15 days during a tax year, no deduction attributable to the rental activity is allowable, but more importantly, no rental income is included in your taxable income.
The news that the City of San Francisco is no longer going to buy Macs is not going to make Apple CEO Tim Cook lose sleep since fewer than 2 percent of their computers are Macs, but it remains to be seen is any other agencies will follow suit.
FORBES: City of SF: We're Not Buying Macs Anymore, Not Without EPEAT Certification
As long as no meaning is lost, fewer and shorter words are always less bad than the alternative.
Hyundai is throwing its weight around after record sales in 2012, with no fewer than five game-day ads on TV running in and around the Super Bowl.
FORBES: Hyundai Is Getting To Be A Heavyweight In Super Bowl Advertising
No fewer than 82% say that their chief financial goal is simply peace of mind, not accumulating wealth.
For driving, no fuel is yet greener in the proper sense of using fewer overall resources than petroleum based gasoline, and we can acknowledge that an electric car is actually coal-powered.
FORBES: Alternatives To Obama's Fiscal Cliff Proposal For An Infrastructure Bank
But in no fewer than 44 of America's 50 states, it is state legislatures, composed as they are of party politicians, who decide where the lines should be drawn for seats in the House of Representatives in Washington, DC.
Though the Front is still unlikely to gain more than a handful of seats at most, no fewer than 134 of its candidates have got through to second rounds by virtue of winning the first-round votes of at least 12.5% of registered voters in their constituencies.
No one there actually intends to do fewer expensive scans and procedures than is done elsewhere in the country.
Mr Sinn's new work is a thoroughly updated English-language version of a German book that has gone through no fewer than 11 editions.
The entire point is that it is a pit stop: a chance for some to rest, others to refuel and no fewer than five teams this year to figure out how they can win the national championship.