"I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law, and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage, " Baldacci, a Democrat, said in a statement released as he signed the bill.
Some observers on Capitol Hill and in the U.S. business community worry ICANN is trying so hard to build international support that it could end up creating an organization in which the status of the U.S. is not equal to its investment in or influence over the Internet.
Norms and values in most societies are still far from being gender neutral and the status of women in general is not yet equal to that of men.
The labour share of income is not equal or equivalent to wages and salaries.
FORBES: If Even Bill Gross Of Pimco Gets This Wrong What Hope For The Rest Of Us?
Add to this that not all spectrum is created equal due to varying characteristics and where it is located in terms of frequency.
The larger person is not getting the credit of being large and being catered to because the fare is considered to be equal based on seats but we know it is not.
While the survey highlights should concern any business relying on celebrities, this question did not explore deep enough to expose the idea that not all endorsement is created equal.
FORBES: Celebrity Endorsements: 15 Minutes of Fame...Or Shame?
But working together there is no challenge to which we are not equal, no obstacle that we cannot overcome, no aspiration so high that it cannot be achieved.
"The only area where female pay is equal to males is in the not-for-profit sector, " said Ms Artess.
Why not use a discount rate that is equal to the coupon rate?
FORBES: Irish Deal Calculations: Alternative Bond Sale Scenario
Another problem is determining which species to protect when not all are equal in the biodiversity stakes.
It is important to understand that all beliefs are not equal.
FORBES: The Republican Party Has A Brand Problem, And We Have The Evidence To Prove It
If Kennedy is averse to reaching the equal-protection question in Windsor, that suggests it is a step he would prefer not to take.
The point of competition is to get consumers the best possible products and services, not to guarantee that every product has a precisely equal chance of succeeding.
To drive outstanding ROI, marketers need to understand that not all engagement is created equal.
FORBES: The Super Bowl ad show: Was the return on investment worth it?
But the idea that schools should be on a more equal footing is not only widely popular, but also apparently essential to the survival of America's rather rocky public-school system.
ECONOMIST: Education in Vermont: Robin Hood rides again | The
And this is why to go beyond safety net programs to redistribute further just to make incomes and wealth more equal is counterproductive and not justifiable.
What is left will not even be enough to pay interest on the national debt, equal to 10% of federal revenues.
For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts.
In his view, Barclays comes to mind as it is powerful in Europe but does not have equal footing in the United States.
So, some would say, it is quite tricky for Mr Salmond to argue that all things would not have been equal in an autonomous Scotland.
The one consolation if you are delayed yet again is that, contrary to popular belief, more congestion in the air does not equal more danger.
In his view, Barclays (nyse: BCS - news - people ) comes to mind as it is powerful in Europe but does not have equal footing in the United States.
Correlation, of course, does not equal causation - and, so far at least, there is no reason to suggest that American football causes investors to feel suddenly more bullish in a given year.
Mental health coverage is not mandated by the law but it requires employers and insurers to make such benefits equal.
But it is also because universities, reluctant to admit that not all institutions and degrees are of equal value, are afraid of damaging their brands.
Despite having the same cardiovascular risks as Vioxx, not only is diclofenac still available, an analysis shows that its market share is about equal to the three other most popular drugs combined.
FORBES: Vioxx and Diclofenac: Why Are Two Heart Risky Pain Drugs Viewed Differently?
If you are a college-educated black woman with a good job and you wish to marry a black man who is your socioeconomic equal, the odds are not good.
ECONOMIST: How the mass incarceration of black men hurts black women
Sixth, let us show by our willingness to bring Turkey, a proud Muslim nation into the EU on the same and equal terms as all others, that Europe is committed not just in word but in deed to a Europe of diverse races, cultures and religions all bound together by common rules and a sense of human solidarity and mutual respect.
It is not fair to the productive to deprive them of what they have produced, merely to make them equal to others who have produced less.