Yet a third of the workforce is out of work, and the share is rising.
More than one in 10 Michigan residents is out of work -- the most of any state.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Stabilizing the Auto Industry
Curbishley is out of work having quit as West Ham manager in 2008, but a legal dispute about the compensation he believes he is owed from the Hammers could affect his chances.
The situation, however, remains serious as Greece has now experienced five years of negative growth, one in five Greeks is out of work, and negative growth of over 6% is likely this year.
FORBES: To Save Itself, Europe Must Adopt Economic Growth Strategies
With virtually no state schools providing adequate teaching in science or maths, he says, the country has added to its vast problem of unemployment (every other 18-24-year-old is out of work) a no less vast problem of unemployability.
My grandpop used to have an expression -- a couple of you heard me say -- when the guy -- he was from Scranton -- when the guy in Oliphant's is out of work it's an economic slowdown -- that's a little town outside of Scranton.
So, if a person is out of work and looking for a job but not claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for any reason (for example they may not want to, or they may not be eligible to claim it), they will appear in the figure for unemployment, but not the figure for claimant count.
Or the auto worker in Toledo who was laid off his job and couldn't figure out how he was going to support his family, and had to have that conversation with his kids explaining how dad is out of work right now and so we're going to have to tighten our belts, and we're not sure we're going to make the mortgage payments.
The emergency room doctor who allegedly treated Burress is now out of work.
Former Tottenham Hotspur and Leeds United assistant manager Gus Poyet - the ex-Uruguay and Chelsea midfielder who is currently out of work - has also emerged as a front-runner for the Liberty Stadium top job.
If Washington and Wall Street are home to the best and brightest minds, why not figure out how to put people back to work instead of focusing on who is to blame for people being out of work?
FORBES: The Fed, QEs and the Housing Market Recovery Needs Jobs
The premise of a new book by Chicago career coach and management training consultant Roger Wright: there is plenty of work out there, but not necessarily a lot of jobs with benefits and a steady paycheck.
One way of doing that is to work out the cost of disposal and charge firms and households for rubbish collection based on the volume they produce.
The first step towards realising this hope, of course, is to work out the nature of the molecules in question and that is the purpose of a paper published this week in Nature by the members of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.
Maybe the firm is out of the running for any work, as a result of a serious falling out, like Deloitte and Navistar or KPMG and Fannie Mae.
FORBES: Consulting By Auditors: NYU Stern Ross Roundtable Explores Post-Enron Reemergence
Wilmott Dixon is carrying out the first stage of demolition work, which is expected to take the rest of the year.
You know, a lot of interesting work is going to come out of China for the rest of the world.
He says that 45% of the young people most affected have been out of work for six months or more and the challenge is to avoid a "lost generation" of people out of work.
In response, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith told MPs he did not agree that "the way to get children out of poverty is to simply keep transferring more and more money to keep them out of work".
The number of Greeks out of work is up 40% from a year earlier.
One great way to keep setting profit records is to squeeze more work out of the smallest possible employee base.
New technology that would allow more planes to fly but put air-traffic controllers out of work is blocked by unions.
The unions, and indeed many other South Koreans, are especially worried that the safety net for those thrown out of work is inadequate.
Compared to the same quarter last year, the number of men out of work is down 11, 000, but for women it is up 20, 000.
BBC: Welsh youngsters on long-term dole up fourfold in a year
So shutting down and throwing folks out of work is the only option left, all while the cost of doing business keeps rising, they say.
They believe that staying out of work is too easy, and that the jobless could do with both a helping hand and a hard shove.
The number out of work is set to continue to rise as the seven weeks since the end of November have seen tens of thousands of jobs cut, including more than 27, 000 jobs lost when Woolworths finally closed its doors.
Doctors have to get patients to list their symptoms, describe their behaviour, make a diagnosis and work out whether the root of the problem is at work, home, or in something as vague as fear of crime, all within ten minutes, says Mary Church, a Lanarkshire doctor.
ECONOMIST: Why so many people are off sick while the economy is healthy
But when the cold calculus of logic is swapped out for the gut-sense of intuition, this is the implicit system at work.
FORBES: Mind Hacks: How Innovators Really Arrive At Their Big Ideas