But then that day, if they get home and like they don't have any friends over or a brother isn't there or a sister isn't there or things like that, they could just go up to their room and cry because it really hurts on the inside.
NPR: Documentary Examines Misconceptions About American Boys
There isn't evidence - or there isn't sufficient evidence - of any of that.
"Its difficult for local authorities because they are very hard pressed and there are fewer conservation staff but that doesn't mean the will isn't there, " he said.
And some Hispanics are getting sucked up into underclass culture, and there isn't - without question, there isn't as high a priority on education as other immigrant groups that have - are coming here now, for instance.
By contrast, if the weather is bad and you don't get hay, you can cut what isn't there.
" However, he added: "There is quite a lot of information you would like to see that isn't there.
"Whether it's hunger or Aids or third world debt, it doesn't really matter - it's a continent that needs help and the help still isn't there yet, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Geldof hails new Band Aid single
"We already know that the goal of 3% isn't tenable for a very basic reason: there isn't enough basic growth to get there, " he said.
But there isn't anybody there.
BBC: Empty building dismays Tunbridge Wells Soup Bowl charity
Isn't there a saying that 'We need both hands to make a clapping sound?
It will not, therefore, waste its energy on pointless scavenging for food that isn't there.
When a fence isn't there, she says, "potential buyers instantly start calculating the cost" to build one.
WSJ: Shared Backyards: Advice for Homeowners on Removing Fences to Create Bigger Gardens, More Space
Voters may be afraid that both candidates are too eager to spend money that isn't there yet.
CNN: Bill Schneider: The final debate is all about connecting
Anyway, isn't there something plain unAmerican about the federal government owning a hefty chunk of Wall Street?
Lou Michel: There was a third person, Michael Fortier, but as for a wider-spread conspiracy, it isn't there.
How many patients must a company follow, and for how long, in order to prove that problem isn't there?
The compassion just isn't there for the arrogant folks from Michigan and Florida.
Although she isn't there every day of the week, Jan spends as much time at the school as possible.
There is competition between barbershops, not only for the best haircut, but the best wisdom and talk, isn't there.
"I think what it showed was the manual capacity isn't there anymore, " said Edward Ditmire, an analyst at Fox-Pitt Kelton.
"It's convenient to buy at Cisco--like it's convenient to buy at Wal-Mart, " but the quality sometimes isn't there, he argues.
Why isn't there more of their far-reaching, influential work, instead of an entire room given over to reproducing the overexposed Damien Hirst Pharmacy restaurant?
Others were: Why, when you design sleek, contemporary Southwest-style rooms, complete with deep soaking tubs, isn't there enough hot water to fill up the tub?
But isn't there a danger, as I've mentioned here many times, that banks will hit their new capital ratio targets by shrinking lending, rather than finding new capital?
One would expect there to be some further description of what they want the teaching and learning of science to be or an explanation of why that isn't there.