Whatever the issue, whatever the challenge, whatever the circumstances - it's always the same.
Gloves raised high in the air, the firm continues to issue a challenge to the rest of the industry: drive forward if you can, try to match our momentum.
The USC Hubli Water and Health Team team hopes to shed light on this threatening issue, as confronting the challenge of dirty drinking water is a "gateway" step towards achieving measured, sustainable improvements in a wide array of serious health related issues.
Trying to figure out the new models that address this issue is both the opportunity and challenge of early stage venture investing today.
The court is considering a challenge on the issue from Shelby County, Ala.
The Archbishop of Canterbury the Most Reverend Justin Welby, who has in the past praised the quality of same-sex relationships, sees the Church's response to the issue as a challenge.
The reporters willfully ignore the opportunity to challenge the children to parse out the issue on their own.
On the issue of government intervention he faced a tough challenge from a tea-partier in the primaries because his business participated in the cash-for-clunkers car-subsidy scheme (anathema to tea-party conservatives), but this doesn't seem to have hurt him much within the wider Republican base.
Rev Foster-Fulton said it was an emotive issue and the Church wanted to "challenge the notion that this is simply a debate about personal choice".
"In major incidents where the responding emergency personnel involved come from different jurisdictions or agencies, each using its own radio frequencies, the issue of radio communications among and between responding agencies remains a challenge, " Buckman told the senators.
The governor said that the issue first erupted during his 1994 challenge to then-incumbent Texas Gov. Ann Richards (D).
CNN: Bush brushes off questions about his intelligence on CNN's "Larry King Live"
The fears were described during a legal challenge to the Government's original decision to issue advice limiting the NHS availability of the anti-impotence drug.
The big issue, he wrote, is whether an intellectual property challenge from Boston Scientific could delay arrival of the Conor stent, which is currently expected to hit the market in 2008.
Deutsch said Palm Beach Circuit Judge Kathleen Kroll postponed certification of the vote in Palm Beach County until she hears a challenge on Tuesday, but he said the larger issue is how to handle 19, 000 ballots discarded because voters "double punched" candidates in the presidential race.
Head teachers are likely to challenge Mr Gove on the issue when he addresses the ASCL conference later on Friday.
Because military transfers often require spouses to move from state to state, the issue of license portability is a real challenge for military spouses.
The decision, or a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act, will likely bring the issue of same-sex marriage before the Supreme Court.
Writing in the current issue of Yale Environment 360, Veron makes an eloquent and succinct case for meeting the challenge of climate change without delay.
FORBES: Is the Great Barrier Reef Doomed? One of the World's Leading Coral Scientists Thinks So
The issue of personal care has been a real challenge for my father - he objects to people washing him.
The justices did not address the underlying constitutional issue of the transfer of power to the president, and solely addressed whether the lawmakers could legally challenge the measure.
But while most schools have been dealing with the issue of food allergies for some time with parents actively advocating for their children, the workplace represents a new challenge.
FORBES: Food Allergies in the Workplace are Not Always What They Seem
It turns out that the challenge is not so much a money issue.
If a performance-related issue was identified, it added, the panel would rigorously challenge the commissioner and hold him to account.
But eventually this issue will come to the fore, possibly as a First Amendment challenge.
Priscilla Cruz, a campaigner for education reform from Todos Pela Educacao, sums up the challenge like this: "The political issue is that teachers are voters, and in Brazil there are two million of them that can decide elections, so it is very hard to make changes".
And again he stressed that the challenge remains and that security remains a big issue, but as for today's meeting, it really seemed an effort to try to capitalize on the recent developments in Iraq and to try to get some momentum going in ways that the Iraqis will feel, but also that the administration hopes that Americans will see.
Labour's Andy Burnham said Lib Dems were "right to challenge the leadership of their party" on the issue.
The big issue, he wrote, is whether an intellectual property challenge from Boston Scientific (nyse: BSX - news - people ) could delay arrival of the Conor stent, which is currently expected to hit the market in 2008.
Our challenge in the conservation community is to make a top issue like the economy.