It ain't pretty -- it's written in legalese, and in small type, but that's the point.
As for Canada's heralded oil sands region--sure it's a massive resource, but easy oil it ain't.
With the expected announcement just two days distant, let's hope it ain't so.
We tell each other with a knowing look: if it ain't broke don't fix it.
But the message to Carwyn Jones from all three opposition leaders is: it ain't that simple mate.
"We have a saying in the southern United States: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it, '" he says.
"Trying to fit all these things in -- it ain't easy, " he chuckles.
SBC's advice: If it ain't broke, don't fix it, because invasive inspections of healthy turbines actually increases the risks of damage.
I've just decided that it ain't a game worth playing over there.
He also addressed criticisms about how his office worked, telling MPs his view was that "it ain't broke so don't fix it".
Slathering yourself with mud to avoid head-hunting aliens is great and all, but it ain't exactly the paragon of good personal hygiene.
ENGADGET: Researchers working on thermal cloak, Predators trill their disapproval
The local feeling is very strongly anti any change in ownership or management, on the basis of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
On the new set, Allman's signature twang evolves rapidly from rural flavoring (Franklin's "It Ain't Fair") to dominant blues ingredient (Ronnie Hawkins's "Sick and Tired").
Secondly, we agree that a lot of it ought to be tax relief, one-time tax relief, but it ain't mostly of people who're going to spend it.
It ain't going to win any marathons, but we found that it'll comfortably last a day and a half with heavy (but realistic) voice and data use.
In the constant race to find the next cure for jazz (hint: it ain't broken), pianist Aaron Parks seems perfectly content to set his own pace.
Just in case any manufacturing stragglers out there hadn't caught on yet: if it ain't packing Vista you might as well go home at this point.
ENGADGET: Toshiba's new Satellite A135 laptop lineup sports Vista
The Commission has issued Motorola Mobility a Statement of Objections, which doesn't mean any judgment has been reached, but lets the company know its preliminary view, and it ain't good news.
Seems to me it ain't the world that's so bad but what we're doing to it, and all I'm saying is: see what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance.
It's probably one of those kind of, say it ain't so, Joe, kind of moments that we're seeing a lot - is, you're right about that, in sports, because of all of the positive drug tests.
If you expected Nokia to just kick its waning S60 5th OS to the curb in 2010 after positive reaction to the Linux side of its dual-platform smartphone strategy, well, it ain't gonna happen.
Mr. HENDRICKS: If it ain't broke why fix it, and also, like, if you're handicapping this, and you're sort of betting on whose going to end up the winner, I mean my money's still on Fair Isaac right now.
To use the browser, you'll have to turn on the WiFi, even on 3G devices -- Amazon will pay for you to download all the books you want, but it ain't shelling out for you to surf the web.