Astonishingly, it can be cheaper to ship goods to the United States from China than from Central America, according to a World Bank study.
According to the Boston Consulting Group, if you want to sell refrigerators or cars in western Europe, it can be cheaper to make them in Poland than in China.
Because of increased demand at home, Indian contemporary art in galleries in India has gotten so expensive that it can be cheaper to buy the works of those artists in New York.
"And they're not sitting at home knitting - they are going to Spain for the winter, because it can be cheaper for them to spend a month or two in Spain, " she said.
Because Workday's software runs on the Web, it can be much cheaper than the alternatives.
Even though prices have gone down in the UK over the last few years, it can still be much cheaper to import a car from Europe.
Using existing technology and applying it differently can also be a cheaper and easier way to get to market than "re-inventing the wheel".
It can be upgraded for a far cheaper amount of money than anything Sprint can build from scratch.
FORBES: No Mention of LightSquared, Clearwire Gets a Boost in the Sprint Debt Offering News
Outsourcing makes sense when you can get a service done cheaper or faster elsewhere than it can be done in-house.
It can can also be up to 80% cheaper than face-to-face counselling as there are no travel costs for either party and no need for expensive offices.
And it will be cheaper for you because you can essentially take -- you can write off the business expenses of purchasing that oven this year a lot faster than you would have otherwise been able to do.
Whatever you settle on, you can pretty much rest assured that it'll be cheaper than forking out for one of Bose's hilariously overpriced Lifestyle systems.
ENGADGET: Bose simplifies surround sound setup with Lifestyle systems, charges dearly for it
The recession hurt most stocks, but Burlington Northern was cut nearly in half and it can easily be argued that Buffett picked this company up cheaper as a result.
Third, for this strategy, gold is low cost because it can be bought in the local currency and local rates are cheaper.
FORBES: INTERVIEW: WGC: Gold Overlay Works As Currency Hedge In EM Currencies
GPUs can be 100x faster and 10x cheaper and do it with less power and less space, he added.
FORBES: Supercomputing and High Performance See Growing GPU Adoption
It might be that we can do the same old thing more swiftly, cheaper or better.
FORBES: Apple and Amazon: Tablets, Cellphones, Capitalism and Markets
Jones says Skyonic's exhaust scrubbing technology is cheaper than traditional wet limestone treatment, and it can be scaled to fit small and medium-size coal plants.
It facilitates a cheaper way of capturing greenhouse gases, which can either be pumped back into the coal seam, or be re-used to inject oilfields to increase recovery rates (OK, even I see the irony here).
FORBES: Underground Coal Gasification: A Trend Worth Watching
If it turns out to be a non-resistant strain, you can then switch to the cheaper vancomycin.
In fact, it might be cheaper for Amazon to just shut down its offices in Massachusetts so it can avoid that sales tax.
FORBES: Amazon's Sales-Tax-Free Status Cost States $8.6 Billion
The RVP test gives you faster, cheaper and, most importantly, an accurate analysis of what someone has, so it can be treated properly.
FORBES: Why 3-D Printing, Biotech Testing And Swimming Pools Are Good Investments
"I'm optimistic that we will continue to work with the conservation and heritage lobbies in finding cheaper solutions to roof repairs and temporary solutions that will get a parish church repaired so it can still be used for the purpose they were built for years ago, " the archdeacon said.