And it couldn't access Facebook, Hulu, YouTube or Engadget -- because they didn't exist.
Did the drug giant get so big it couldn't see what was happening on the ground?
However, it couldn't be determined which other parts of Nasdaq's computer network were accessed.
It did spot our two Sonos units, but it couldn't do much with them.
After all, it couldn't even catch multibillion-dollar fraudsters when it had the facts in its grasp.
Finding none, the company notified the government it couldn't confirm the claims, the people said.
It couldn't be confirmed if the rebels in the video were those who abducted the peacekeepers.
And it couldn't have happened without the vision of the man sitting behind me.
In a statement, G4S said it was "extremely disappointed" it couldn't fulfill the contract.
Frans Nielsen, John Tavares and Matt Moulson all gave New York leads it couldn't hold.
It couldn't have worked out any better, sending another top-10 team to a loss.
The mathematical model wasn't wrong, but it couldn't know with absolute certainty the pathway of Irene.
"It couldn't be better for him, having Martin Johnson as a mentor and coach, " said Newman.
But even if it couldn't handle video, the Gmini 400 would be a great music player.
And it couldn't have been done without these men and women leading our military.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Repeal of Don��t Ask, Don��t Tell
What it couldn't tell you, to within a few years, is when that individual died.
All this art wouldn't do much good if it couldn't be accompanied by an excellent meal.
The French government said it couldn't confirm the presence of French nationals in the base.
We contacted RadioShack for a statement and were told that it couldn't comment on rumors or speculation.
ENGADGET: RadioShack Mobile leak suggests Cricket Wireless-based MVNO on the way
It couldn't be determined whether he has an attorney or how he could be reached for comment.
Nintendo's Wii, on the other hand, was so pathetically underpowered that it couldn't even display high-definition graphics.
It could mean the people behind it couldn't get access to the area when they originally intended.
"Many people said it couldn't be done, " said the U.S.'s Herculez Gomez, who plays professionally in Mexico.
Remember the sneers about Hyundai when it first arrived in the U.S.: It couldn't compete with used cars.
It couldn't be learned how much Random House agreed to pay for a royalty on the digital books.
It couldn't be determined if he had a lawyer and there is no phone listed in his name.
Schering's manufacturing was so shoddy that it couldn't be sure it hadn't shipped asthma inhalers that were empty.
It couldn't pass as a stand-alone measure because you need 60 votes to stop an almost certain filibuster.
But it couldn't be that one, so we had to look again - and eventually we got it.
As Shiran saw it, Oslo was controversial, and so it couldn't simply be taught in a positive light.