It hasn't got any character to it and it couldn't be further removed from the beauty of Phillip Island.
All this art wouldn't do much good if it couldn't be accompanied by an excellent meal.
However, it couldn't be determined which other parts of Nasdaq's computer network were accessed.
It couldn't be confirmed if the rebels in the video were those who abducted the peacekeepers.
"It couldn't be better for him, having Martin Johnson as a mentor and coach, " said Newman.
It couldn't be determined whether he has an attorney or how he could be reached for comment.
"Many people said it couldn't be done, " said the U.S.'s Herculez Gomez, who plays professionally in Mexico.
It couldn't be learned how much Random House agreed to pay for a royalty on the digital books.
It couldn't be determined if he had a lawyer and there is no phone listed in his name.
Schering's manufacturing was so shoddy that it couldn't be sure it hadn't shipped asthma inhalers that were empty.
But it couldn't be that one, so we had to look again - and eventually we got it.
The Ivory Coast is a good football nation with a lot of good players - it couldn't be better.
It couldn't be more different from the Rattigan, although the dramatic focus is again an actor playing a schoolboy.
"I read the book when it first came out, and it was obvious it couldn't be a movie, " he said.
Bond says this model had a shortcoming though, in that once the healing agent was used, it couldn't be replenished.
His patients, whose pain is so severe it couldn't be treated by other doctors, sometimes stay on these drugs for many years.
Also missing among the voiceovers intoning "they said it couldn't be done", and technical detail, is any impression of the bigger struggle .
Of course, it couldn't be just any Seiko Quartz Diving Watch.
It couldn't be confirmed when and at what price Mr. Usmanov had purchased the Apple shares, and USM Holdings had no further comment regarding the purchase.
"She told me, after consulting a database, that I was restricted and it couldn't be processed for reasons of public interest, " Moya told The Associated Press.
It couldn't be otherwise, given the format of the spectacle.
It couldn't be learned whether Apple will sell the HarperCollins titles via a new e-book store or through its existing iTunes Store, which sells music, television shows and movies.
"There was a whole community of doubters looking at their textbooks for inspiration, or perhaps I should say for lack of inspiration, and saying it couldn't be done, " says Friend.
He agreed that Mr Coats had told him that "by way of recompense" Ms Spence said he was to take the caravan in Fife but there was a problem with the landowner and "it couldn't be done".
BBC: Lynda Spence trial: Missing woman 'owed criminals cash'
Georgios Spyropoulos, the 45-year-old manager of the Tick Tock diner in Clifton, asked an undercover trooper posing as a hit man to kill Alexandros Sgourdos, 57, and to get rid of the body so it couldn't be found, authorities said.