If it doesn't make sense as a business, it doesn't make sense as a tax shelter.
But such a deal didn't make sense when rumors of negotiations surfaced in February (see "Why Bristol and Sanofi Shouldn't Merge"), and it doesn't make sense now.
Still, the plot, if you don't question it too closely, does sort of parse, even when it doesn't make sense.
You can't have Ravi playing in a one-day international and batting at eight, it doesn't make sense.
Some say the credit has been a failure and trying to imitate it doesn't make sense.
Whereas if you're in a rich country, it doesn't make sense to kill each other.
It doesn't make sense to me that the trans-fat ban is legal, and they struck this down.
It doesn't make sense to me that the trans fat ban is legal, and they struck this down.
If the world is getting hooked on silicon power, it doesn't make sense for jet engines and reinsurance to outrank computers.
It doesn't make sense if somebody could tell me you could do this cheaper and get increased results that I wouldn't say, great.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
"Yahoo is reporting better earnings, but it's trading down: it doesn't make sense, " says Jonathan Iu, Internet analyst at SG Securities in Hong Kong.
It doesn't make sense to buy long-term bonds at high prices now if the market is likely to reverse soon, some market participants say.
"It doesn't make sense to combine scores from two separate tests, " said Carolyn Callahan, a professor specializing in gifted education at the University of Virginia.
WSJ: New York City Gifted-and-Talented Program's Math Is Questioned
Kerry said in the debate that "It doesn't make sense" for "the United States to pursue a new set of nuclear weapons" including "bunker-busting" ones.
Besides, it doesn't make sense to tease an alien civilization with just a "hello, " considering that it could take millennia before we hear back from them.
If we are going to talk about rules of war, it doesn't make sense to start with the soldiers and Marines who have been put into that situation.
It doesn't make sense when you look at the numbers.
CNN: Once homeless vet's mission to save his brothers-in-arms
In a global economy where talent can easily migrate, it doesn't make sense for the U.S. to restore the 91% or even the 70% tax bracket it once had.
"It doesn't make sense, " said Sanat Mishra, who last year made it to the finals of the South Asian Spelling Bee, but is not competing at the National Spelling Bee.
He says it doesn't make sense for a drug to cause so many different types of tumors, or for it to affect cancer death but not how many cancers occur.
Stan Pearson, head of European equities at Standard Life Investment, said it doesn't make sense to focus on day-to-day turbulence for Europe, with the industrial production numbers just confirming what is known.
Kemp Hannon, the Long Islander who is chairman of the Senate Health Committee, said it doesn't make sense to loosen marijuana laws at a time of growing concern about illegal sales and abuse of prescription drugs.
"For many patients who would have a favorable response to treatment now, it doesn't make sense to me to put their treatment off, " says Mitchell L. Shiffman, a liver specialist with Bon Secours Health System's Liver Institute of Virginia.
WSJ: Hepatitis C Dilemma: Treat Illness With Interferon Now or Wait?
More than 85% of U.S. households have cable modem or DSL service available to them, he says, so it doesn't make sense for a utility to spend the money to deploy broadband over gas or electric in most of the country.
"It doesn't make any sense to me, " says Geoffrey Porges, a biotechnology analyst at Sanford C.
"Not one U.S. airline has taken advantage of the right because it doesn't make commercial sense, " he says.
At first glance, it doesn't make any sense: If you can disarm a knife-wielding mugger, why can't you disarm your electronic mugger?
"It just doesn't make sense, " Mr. Amendola said repeatedly.
Pfizer has already made billions of dollars on Viagra--it doesn't really make sense to let the firm define its invention so broadly that patients who don't respond well to Viagra can't try other medicines.