And it goes without saying that domestic leadership matters.
ECONOMIST: Good news from Sudan and Senegal; disappointment in Uganda
It goes without saying that one would be Cherry Creek.
WSJ: Missy Franklin Is Racing for Her High School��Which Is Fun Unless You Have to Face Her
It goes without saying that being among them is rarely dull.
It goes without saying that this is a truly exciting venture.
That last part about 1940-1975 is telling, given that we now have a cleaner atmosphere, and less aerosols to reflect sunlight, it goes without saying that more sunlight now reaches the surface.
FORBES: Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
It goes without saying that Al Gore claimed global warming caused Hurricane Sandy.
It goes without saying that President Obama and the Democrats are flying high.
FORBES: Why Democrats and Republicans Must Guard Against Unnecessary Regulation
On a personal note, I was delighted to get back in a Great Britain shirt, but it goes without saying that the disappointment of the defeat cancels that out.
BBC: Kevin Sinfield kicked all four of his conversion attempts
It goes without saying that borrowing privileges should not be granted under any circumstances.
It goes without saying that this is an unprecedented time in our economic history.
It goes without saying that the luxury industry does a lot of things well.
It goes without saying that resources are limited in our recession-ravaged economies ... but disinvesting in seed corn is obviously self-defeating.
It goes without saying that not all digital watches are particularly attractive, or interesting.
It goes without saying that the death of his daughter will have changed Mr Brown.
It goes without saying that no French intellectual worth his Camembert would be so concerned.
It goes without saying that a joke that needs to be explained is a lousy joke.
It almost goes without saying that no investment asset is either inherently good or inherently bad.
It goes without saying that the OMB thinks that this CIO scenario is by far the best.
It goes without saying that your results may vary depending on the environment and your audio source.
ENGADGET: ASUS PadFone 2 review: two times is a charm for this phone-in-tablet combo
It almost goes without saying that MySpace caused a trickle down affect in the Los Angeles community.
It goes without saying that until he is recovered, his family and friends will sorely miss him.
It goes without saying that the simple act of constructing this movement requires a great deal of finesse.
It goes without saying that digital media have also altered our fundamental notions of and respect for privacy.
It probably goes without saying that the Methodist Church has levied no similar boycott against any other country.
And it goes without saying that Zuckerberg has no plans to see The Social Network when it comes out.
And it goes without saying that the printing can be done from any device that sends an email too.
That belief, it goes without saying, is his privilege as a writer.
It goes without saying that I was, and still am, a great admirer of Martin Luther King.
Fourth, I think it goes without saying that more taxes virtually guarantee the continuation of big government and big government spending programs.
FORBES: US government's fiscal plight, an enormous problem without a solution?