It is depressing that a poll carried out by the Health Protection Agency found that a quarter of people wrongly believe antibiotics are effective against most coughs and colds.
The Northern Ireland secretary has said it is depressing that some young people involved in disorder earlier this year, were not born at start of the peace process in the 1990s.
Mr Davies said: "It is truly depressing that 2005 closes with yet more black jobs news for mid Wales as Floform, Welshpool's biggest manufacturing business, notifies staff that up to 60 jobs are to go".
And human nature being what it is, there is a depressing default supposition that most politicians are in it for selfish reasons.
It is depressing to think that life is purposeless and that evolution has no higher destination.
The problem with this policy, however, is that it is depressing economic growth, and requires a great deal of financing from the IMF.
It is very depressing reading, and proof that Afghanistan does not have what it takes to be a self-sustaining democracy.
It is a depressing commentary on our times that spokesmen of democracies and supposed champions of human rights are willing to state publicly that granting Jews the equal protection of the law is an unacceptable imposition on their bigoted neighbors.
The wonder of "We Can Be Strong" is that it isn't nearly as depressing as its lyric.
It is hardly shocking that the results would be so deeply depressing when contemplating a circumstance where every item designed to bend the cost curve in healthcare, as set out in the Affordable Care Act, turns out to be an abject failure particularly when coupled with the assumption that Congress will end each and every tax that is designed to fund the law.
"It's really sad and depressing that the school board is not ready to accept broad reforms that offer parents all parents a great alternative, " he said.
It is a depressing sign of how far apart the island's two communities now seem that each held celebrations on referendum night for opposing reasons.
At the more dubious end of the scale is NAV again, with an index of 2.5 years, pretty depressing given that it would take today's buyer of the units at least six years to recover the purchase price (assuming the monthly distribution stays constant).
It is a depressing state of affairs when about two-thirds of our fellow citizens are caught in an economic trap that is wrecking their lives financially and emotionally.